Thursday, 6 March 2014

Lent 2014 ~ Radical Transformation

The Christian 40 days of prayer and 'fasting' started yesterday. Over the years, each year presented different questions for me to explore. This year the word 'RADICAL' keeps coming to mind. And the first commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" is rolling over and over in my mind.

Time for the most deepest and radical questions:

What does "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" really mean? What does it mean to ME - not anyone else, not what my school catechism taught me, not what my childhood taught me, not what my parents, teachers, friends, aunties, uncles, cousins, neighbours, etc. taught me, or the world, or anyone .... simply what does it MEAN TO ME???

First off, to me personally it means EVERYTHING is GOD.

Secondly, how does this understanding translate to my daily living?

I have a full 40 days to deeply contemplate this question. I have a feeling I will have very few 'human' friends left after that. I am willing to take that chance. As Jesus says, you can't ride two donkeys at the same time. Its either God or the world.  The reason I say I wont have any 'human' friends left is simply because the more radical you get, the more crazy you sound to people, and the more 'people' find you boring and a joke!! Well, that is the deal after all.  Its a done deal. 

I'm going for the Gold. I'm going for God. 

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