Monday, 17 March 2014

Empty Myself

LENT 2014 / DAY 13

"Mooji, I want to do God's will. 
How can I serve God and do His will?
First, you must empty yourself of your own will 
and then God can enter and flow through you 
as your own natural existence.
Know this: 
the one who is empty of the sense of 
personal will finds God everywhere."
~ Mooji ~

This is a typical conversation I believe most souls who have been touched by new spiritual learning, have had with their mentors at the time, who are taking them through new understanding of God and the soul. Its a conversation I have had umpteen times and each time I have been encouraged to go ahead and help others in order to help myself. Infact I have always been told that, that is the best way! Well, I have discovered that it does'nt work at all in the best way for me. Not at all. Because back of all the good intentions lie many personal ego based wills that muddy the good intentions. Add to that, I have learned that the energies of the teacher flows right into his/her students. Most teachers are not fully healed themselves. I did'nt know that then, but I do now. What they teach is purely from their own personal experiences. And that is wonderful if I can stick with the Truth of the learning,and not the personality. But what happens most times, is that we begin to want to emulate the teacher and do all the things that person does or is doing.  I have discovered by doing that in the past so many zillion times, I have actually LOST myself in the bargain because I am so busy trying to repeat someone else's experiences. It has taken me many many lessons to finally understand this and this Lent, this is being sufficiently highlighted for me. I am unique. I am precious.  And there's a blue print just for ME!!  Yes, I can take all the help I can from others who have walked before me, but only to use them as pointers to walk deeper into myself and open up for my own experiences that God is simply waiting to burst through from me and through me.

And so, as all the effects of my past choices are magnifying themselves amazingly and showing me the importance of living from my own heart, not someone else's, and from living a life of absolute courage, fearlessness and an abundant heart,  I am able to see this clearly now the motivations behind all those thoughts and choices I made over the years which took me away from my Self.  Today's message from Mooji is just perfect because it brings a big spot light on emptying myself totally and completely. Something I should have done diligently over the years, but did'nt.  All great saints, sages, masters, teachers, avatars keep themselves perfectly still and empty.

     Lao Tzu says:
Empty yourself of everything.
Let the mind become still.

Blessed Be.

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