Thursday, 20 March 2014

Terry Lauezzari, Your Light continues to Shine!

I have been in deep shock at the news of my English brother, Terry Lauezzari's passing on.  But death is only a temporary sleep.  He is with Spirit in his truest and most perfect nature.  “Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” ~ Rumi ~

He became one of my dearest friends on Facebook.  He was fun, caring, loving, protective.  Who said that Facebook is just an internet thing?  What Facebook lacks in physical meeting, it more than makes up for in soul connection and communication.  That was who Terry came to mean to me - A SOUL FRIEND AND BROTHER.  What made it a double bonus was the fact that he was the husband of my beloved Soul Sister, Friend and Heart Family, Aimee Lauezzari.  It was indeed through Aimee that I got this wonderful opportunity to meet with Terry on FB.

I am ever grateful for the way Terry affected my life.  I have become better for it.

Terry was my "Smile Monitor"!  He made sure I posted only 'smiley' profile pics on Facebook and chided me in a good naturedly way if I did'nt.  He felt the world needed more smiles.  He called me "Smiley".  Since then I have always posted only 'smiley' photos because I got the feel of the world through his eyes.  Yes, the world did'nt need models with pouty, plastic smiles, but genuine, down to earth soul smiles. :))))  I believe he felt he needed to protect all the people who were close to him and keep reminding them of their light.   He did'nt hesitate to tick me off if any post or comment reflected a less than 'classy' style.  We would argue via our exchange of comments! :))))  I would smile because that's what brothers do - they believe it is their duty and honor to protect their sisters. :)))) But I would be defiant and argue back my case.  He did'nt buy it. But he let it go for the time being only! ;)  He always wanted that I should continue to remain as good as he believes I am.  That's what it was - his belief in people!!  He was very perceptive.  I am quite sure he made everyone feel that way - special! :))))

One day last year in May I got a note from him in the inbox at a particularly vulnerable time.  Ofcourse he did'nt know that, but like an Earth Angel, out of the blue this beautiful note came from him and it reassured me even more that Spirit is always watching us and sending Its Angels to remind us of our own beauty and True Identity.  He wrote ....

"Dearest lavina, you have the most wonderful welcoming and heartwarming smile
The love and comfort you give to people is to be admired, and is not seen as preaching, but just the lovely you, being yourself.  You are such a kind carrying person, and I hope this message of TRUTH makes you feel as good as you make others feel, is all in your smile x"

I was so stunned.  How did he know I needed this encouragement today?  He lives in another country altogether!  I wrote back expressing my deepest appreciation ......

"OMG! Thank you Terry!!! I needed this right this moment, right just now!!!  I am about to start writing a note on how all the old stories we have been fed through out our lives has made us believe so many things and the truth is we have got it all wrong.  Today is also a very stressful day because as you must already know, we are going through some really deep mind transformation with our 40 day course and today, a lot of stuff just blew up in my face.  Sometime today I will post the note and you will see what I mean.  I was sitting here feeling a bit miserable and there you are with this beautiful note.  Thank you bro Terry with all my heart.  You just made me smile once again like you do occasionally!!  This will help me to judge myself less now as I write my note.  Thank you.  Love and God Bless.  I hope you're having a wonderful day.  Let Aimee pamper you.  We all deserve and need to be loved fully and totally and allow ourselves to be loved unconditionally.  Much love.'

And he responded ......

"Thank you. .
DONT EVER DOUBT YOURSELF, DO YOU HEAR ME,  your one of the best xx"

And I concluded ....

"Yes, I will REMEMBER that - thank YOU! Ask Aimee to give you a big hug from me!!"

And I have since then always tried to remember that.  I never met him physically.  I don't need to.  We are all already connected at the heart, soul and energetic level.  Why some people affect our lives in such a positive way and why others do not is all a matter of the depth of soul connections.  I am beyond grateful that this Angel showed up in my life - in India!  Now I can speak to him in the realm of the Angels.

As Rumi says ....

“Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing
there is a field.
I'll meet you there.    
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.” 

Shine brightly Terry because we can feel your Light and your Love.  The world needs it ever more.  

 Blessed Be.

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