Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Storm

Yesterday, afternoon became black as night in New Delhi, India.  What started out as a dust storm ended up in utter destruction leaving us with no power supply for many, many hours long after the freak storm. When big rain drops started falling almost settling the dust, I found myself walking out and witnessing the weather change from a stifling hot day with the sun shining as brightly as ever to night almost by magic. Day just turned to night! I saw the lightening flashes and the trees swaying dangerously and stuff flying around from roof tops. I was so fascinated by it all never once thinking of the aftermath of such a storm. I just decided to 'BE' and witness my own feelings. Perhaps I felt this desire more strongly since I am becoming more and more at home in my 'elemental body' and the connection it has to all of the Earth plane.  The elements are represented in our chakras and though we live in a dream world, everything appears so real and misleading. I noticed how calm I became while the hailstones started pelting down (luckily I was'nt hurt by even one). I began to notice the shadowy outlines of the many trees in my colony and felt like I was in a story book. Everything seemed so surreal. The phrase "eye of the  storm" came to mind because that is exactly how this experience appeared. I got a metaphorical and pictorial view of what it is really like when we find ourselves in the middle of  life transforming and life changing situations and circumstances.  It's literally like the dark night of the soul. All you can do is be an observer and stay centered till the 'storm' passes.

And then you open your mind and see it all beginning to clear up. You're okay with it because something cleansing has taken place. Everything feels washed and new somewhere in your consciousness.

By the end of the day, just before midnight, a very old karmic issue resurfaced. I knew exactly how I was going to deal with it and put it to rest completely. Nature taught me generously today and I was deeply grateful for this experience.

There is always a rainbow after a storm as Light breaks into the dark clouds of change and transformation.


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