I have a little book which I keep in a beautiful sequenced bright colored pouch alongwith my prayer beads. This book holds first-aid pointers to help remind me of my Divinity every time I let my Light fade. Here are a few notes to me.
* There is only ONE Power and One Force: Spirit. Everything is God. Nothing else exists.
* Do unto others what you would have them unto you. Don't do anything that you would not want anyone else to do to you!
* If you're not feeling joy, then you're in either judgment or resistance mode - or both!
* Don't expect people to love you and understand you. Do that for yourself! Embrace people exactly where they are with no expectation and attachments but only love. If love is hard, try compassion.
* If you find it difficult to forgive, think about what you would have done if you were in that person's shoes. Probably the same or worse. If you knew better, you would have done better. Be Kind. The same consideration should be applied to others.
* Commune with God. Pray. Meditate. Contemplate. Self-Inquire.
* Take DEEP Breaths. The Holy Spirit is in the breathing.
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