Tuesday, 13 May 2014

I Surrender and Accept. I Am Very Grateful too.

I Surrender to the Love of All That Is.

I Accept and Acknowledge the power of All That Is.

I am Grateful for All That Is.

There is nothing more powerful than the thought (for me) that this life is extremely precious and it is filled with blessings and gifts of love. This Life is Love. Nothing and no one is insignificant. This Life is enriching and fulfilling when accepted exactly as it IS ... When resistance is dropped completely ... When the wish for things to be different is no longer in one's consciousness.  What a relief! Now all the burdens may be dropped willingly and easily.  Sure, nothing will work out according to my expectations, but I no longer care about that.  Its not my concern or interest. Let Life do what it must do. Every day my heart is opening wider and wider to all these facts and deeper and deeper to embrace and comprehend the magnitude and the immensity of this life and the reason for living it.

The gift of choice is not a choice really.  It is Spirit's most deepest way the human brain can understand of the magnitude of love that is behind the teaching of self acceptance and surrender and that Love is the only way. There is no peace in any other pursuit or endeavor. 

I am beyond grateful for my very life.  
I am beyond grateful for all that my life contains in this very moment.
I am beyond grateful for the lessons of soul expansion that drops me deeper and deeper into the ocean of understanding, wisdom and peace.
I am beyond grateful for all of my mistakes, wounds, healing, joy, broken relationships, beautiful friendships, the elements of nature, of all the species ... of everything!!

The vibration of AUM and Her Presence is all encompassing, all loving and deeply trustworthy.  She is THE Power, Force and Love at the back of ALL that the mind can comprehend and beyond.


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