Yesterday, being Sunday, I had a lot of spare time to think through my life issues - the past and the present ... how the past never leaves you till you learn the lessons it was meant to teach you, then you forgive all your trespasses, and finally you forgive everyone else who has trespassed against you. In the later, I found my list was long. But after a few hours I began to see the co-relation to all those happenings connected to the quality of my thoughts at that time. The list became balanced once I faced it towards me. If I felt rejected by people I loved dearly including friends and family, it was because I was constantly on a self rejection agenda. I was just reflecting my inner world and I was drawing those experiences to me. I have said this a zillion times and it still seems fresh every time I say it beyond the zillion times. This is what helps me to dig deeper into my Self exploration project: KNOW THYSELF.
I really would love to share a few things I learned as a newbie spiritualist which I learned through trial and error to have a fuller and more meaningful experience in the Spirit world. What would I tell my younger self? I read a wonderful quote by Nisargadatta Maharaj (who is a favourite of mine) where he said that the problem with people was that once they began the journey into themselves and discovering their I Am Self, instead of sitting with it and marinating in it and going deeper into the Self, they run off to start ashrams and teach yoga, etc. I found that to be absolutely spot on. Its an inherent thing we do as human beings. We want to immediately want to 'tell', 'teach' and 'save' others. If I were to start my journey all over again, these are the guidelines I would certainly remember to hold on to for a deeper understanding of who I AM, not what the world tells me, but what my Spirit tells me and if, I have actually been listening with a quiet mind and a receptive heart, I would automatically know, that I do not need to do any of the above, I have to just move with the flow without needing to consider myself 'special' in any way.
So, here's what I would tell my younger self.
♥ Focus on your own journey Dear Lavina.
♥ Focus on Spirit, not on the human side
of the teacher, guru, mentor, whatever.
♥ Accept that everybody is in the perfect
place that they are meant to be. Just
like you, when they hear the call of their soul, they will begin to ask, seek and knock.
♥ It is perfectly normal to tell the whole
world about this new and deliriously happy experience. Share but don't preach even if you have been
told to do so. Remember that religious
and spiritual organisations can get very sales and marketing savvy. Numbers
apparently mean a lot. Your 'success' in
expanding the organisation will bring you accolades and you will be called a
'committed' and 'true' 'disciple', but that title lasts till you fall from the
♥ Don't try to change anyone. In truth, there is nothing to change, but you will figure out that later! Don't criticize other beliefs. Its not cool.
♥ Once everyone knows you are doing this
freaky spiritual thing, everyone will expect you to become a 'saint' and every
'wrong' doing will be under scrutiny and remember, you will hear about it as many times as others feel they should let you
know, and that can go on forever, if you do not pull in the reigns and begin to
do serious self inquiry.
♥ If you become a sincere in your efforts,
your present world will crash. Most of
the people you knew to be your friends
will begin to disappear. Your life gets
turned upside down. Don't panic!! You are being cleaned out and all your dirty
laundry is out there for you to see so that you can have it 'washed' and
'cleaned'. That's what the Holy Spirit
does. She begins to squeaky clean you up
like the Mother That She Is. Once again,
don't panic! It is normal.
♥ Let go!!!! And forever for the rest of your life keep
releasing and letting go. Release and
let go the world as you know it, the people who inhabited it, all your habits, addictions, cravings, etc. Let them
all go! You are being spruced up and
emptied out for the Spirit of Life to flow through you. Never, never, hang on to the old and what's
gone. All of that stuff was there for a
purpose. All of that stuff has gone for
a purpose. Let it be. Remember the Beatles song "Let It
Be"? Well, go sing it cos
everything is gonna be alright!
♥ When you want to leave the organisation,
feel absolutely free to do so. When you
will get the itch and the urge to move
on, then MOVE ON! Don't get bogged down by the belief that you
will hurt your friends and your seniors.
You will hurt them only if they do not understand the workings of their
own soul. The spiritually mature send
you off in grace and gratitude and mean it with all their hearts. Others will probably stop talking to you, but
its okay. All the more reason, you know
its time to move on.
♥ And, now, congratulations! You are
walking the wilderness and exploring the terrains of your Soul independently, alone and solo. You came into this world alone. You will leave alone. You don't go to heaven two-by-two. Walk with everyone with ease, but keep your
whole consciousness on the Inner Sanctuary that you are carrying within.
♥ If you are meant to do anything else
after you have been sufficiently prepared by the Spirit, you will know. You will not have to market yourself. Everything
will happen naturally. Anita Moorjani's
story is the best example I know apart from the famous Non-Dual Indian
teachers, like Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharashi, Papaji, and a few others including Mooji. Everything will happen on its own
accord. No need for self promotions! As
Joel Goldsmith says, when God wants to be known, He will shout it from the roof
tops without you needing to do so!! I
love that!
♥ And finally, do not insult your Soul by being ignorant of your MAGNIFICENCE!!!
Remember your I AM Presence always. That
IS the only jewelery you will ever need
in your life. Go with the Flow! Blessed Be! ♥
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