We are Children of The Light said Jesus. And I like to say we are Extensions of Spirit until proven we are not! Just like we are innocent until proven guilty!
So, today, I am really going to speak my heart out. That's why I love blogging. I can express my feelings without getting into a debate with anyone. Blogging helps me to put it out there and give way to my heart expression.
I am really in transition within. This transition has taken a long time because of my need to keep hanging on to my human story and be part of the world scenario. That's fine except that invariably I get attached and caught up with dramas. So finally last week, I made a final decision to let go of my human story. Since then I have been challenged in so many ways that keeps bringing me back to the identification of the human being. Today, I decided I must sit with this because of a comment I made on facebook which was made in good faith, but misunderstood. It gave me food for thought. And I realised what it really means to live as Spirit. I actually don't really like the word "spiritual" because it kind of gives the impression that the person who considers himself/herself "spiritual" or "religious" are better than the others. No one is better than another. And none should be in awe of another. We are all equals. The only difference is the choices we make. When we form 'spiritual' groups and clicks and stick with just those connections, we really are missing the point. That very act itself is delusional. We don't need support systems that make us feel that we are exclusive or elite. But to each his/her own. Every soul learns it his/her own way. Who am I to judge? I am solo. It took me a while to have the courage to be alone and independent and solo, but it was the next logical step in my own knowing.
We live in a realm of free choice and three choices. Our whole life takes shape and form according to the choices we make. I like to think the three choices are - the 'positive' choice, the 'negative' choice and the "Super Consciousness" choice. The 'positive' choice helps us to get better results and live more peaceful lives, the 'negative' choice creates a lot of imbalances in our lives and we seem to be looking hither and thither for peace and love, and finally, the "Super Consciousness" choice one just acts from a very high place in the heart and accepts everything as it is without attachment but lives from the beauty and wisdom of the soul. But all has its place and just like the gunas in the Ayurvedic system we have to move from one system to the next so that the change does'nt become so drastic that our minds cannot understand and cowers under in fear.
And yet none of this is true at all.
There are many teachings available to help us make better choices for a happier existence. I have been through a whole lot of them and now I find myself at a place, rather naturally, where I no longer want to identify with my human story any longer. What does this mean? It means I stop thinking of myself as a human being. The Higher Teachers and Teachings inform us there is nothing other than Spirit, Ultimate Reality, Pure Consciousness, Pure Awareness, call It what you will. There is only The ONE and all else extends from this One. There are no human forms. The human being is in the mind of illusion. In illusion there is nothing because it does not exist. But because we want it to exist and make it mean something, we have come up with all these wonderful dreams that have no reality.
My philosophy now is very simple. To live the human way is painful. Either you are happy or sad, good or bad, rich or poor, etc. If you experience one state of life, the opposite state of life will follow very shortly. Who wants to live that way. Its too much tension. You are constantly on your toes. If you are misunderstood, there's a series of explanations to prove yourself. If you use good and flattering words, you are raised up as an amazing individual, etc. etc. One moment you are placed on a pedestal and the next, you are stripped down. This cycle and drama never ends, unless the dreamer ENDS THE DREAM!!
So, I've ended the dream. I'm not negotiating with the dreamers. I'm not getting into unnecessary conversations with the dreamers. Because in truth nothing exists - not the dreamer, nor the dream. All these wonderful ideas we have about what amazing lives we live, or don't live, are all just dreams. Lovely dreams, but its high time we woke up! There's nothing. There's only emptiness. There's only Space. There's only Spirit. Our need to make them all real is the reason for our suffering. But don't mind me. I may be completely wrong. Just do your own thing. You can never get it wrong. You can only have an experience that will eventually lead you to the place you need to be.
And so it is. Blessed Be.
And so it is. Blessed Be.
From Nisargadatta Maharaj / I Am That
♥ I am not this person, this body-mind or any thing. As I can't be what I perceive, I am not this body-mind or
any thing that I am conscious of.
♥ As body, you are in space. As mind, you are in time. But are
you a mere body with a mind in it? Have you ever investigated? (252)
♥ You are neither the body nor in the body. There is no such
thing as body. You have grievously misunderstood yourself. To understand
rightly, investigate. (253)
♥ You are not in the body, the body is in you! The mind is in
you. They happen to you. They are there because you find them interesting. (212)
From Lillian De Waters / The I Am Self
♥ Dear Reader, are you hungry for the true bread of Life? Then are you willing to give up the belief that you are separated in some way from the source of this Heavenly manna - the Real man who is, in very truth, your Self? Why remain longer in the belief that you sojourn in a far country where the husks of lack, loss and limitation are your daily fare? You are not of that world at all, for "Ye are children of the Light". Really you are not on a physical plane; you are not in fleshly body; you have no human form; you are not subject to man-made laws or beliefs. Really, you are of the eternal substance. The Mind you have is that Mind which was also in Christ Jesus. Your only body is the body of Light. Your very being is the radiant I-Am-Self.
And So It Is.
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