Wednesday, 5 February 2014

My Facebook Experience

I have been on facebook for five years now and it has been such an awesome experience for me.  I found my spirituality here with friends from all over the world.  I have made some deep soul connections here.  I have learned all about life in the last five years than I have ever in my entire life.  I have had squabbles with people, I have thrown people out of my friends list, people have thrown me out, I have loved and loved in every which way even if it appeared 'negative' in nature.  All is a thought.  All is perception.  All is Pure Awareness.  All is Shiva.  And I simply love all there is to Love because only Love is our Awareness even if we don't know it or are unable to see it fully.  Love guides us.  Love motivates us.  Love is the driving force behind everything.  Just love.  Pure Love.  Unadulterated Love.  Just SEE through the mirage and you will SEE its beauty and light.

A highlight of a few special moments on Facebook over the last five years created by Mark and his team to celebrate ten years of facebook's existence. Happy Birthday Facebook! You're Awesome! 

♥ ♥ ♥

My first profile pic on facebook!

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