Self Forgiveness is epic. You simply cannot be touched by another's state-of-the-heart's feelings towards you in any way that is 'detrimental' or 'negative' against you especially if you have forgiven yourself of ALL your trespasses - and I mean really and truly all your trespasses - no guilt feelings left over for any reason whatsoever. Every area of your life has to be free of guilt and self judgement. When you have forgiven yourself completely, you have forgiven everyone and everything. It is as simple as that. That indeed is EPIC!
“It is foolish to think that we will enter heaven without
entering into ourselves.” ~ Teresa of Ávila
Through the process of self forgiveness I changed so much. I saw every aspect of myself as I projected these various versions of myself into the world - all the dramas and stories. I saw how I made so many choices that I thought were the best ones I needed to make for my own mistaken peace of mind at that time. I saw how my choices effected everything in my world, the kind of people I drew to me and the kind of world I created for myself. Not all were good. Not all were bad. But all were short lived as far as the law of life is concerned. Everything is in a constant state of flux and change. The most important of all, I learned that spirituality is not about reciting numerous prayers and begging God for favours. You don't have to cover yourself with a holier-than-thou attitude. I love what St Teresa of Avila says about such facades: “God save us from gloomy saints!” I just have to start the process of change in a very deep way.
Nothing about the Earth is rigid and unflexible. There are cycles, seasons and changes. There are the tides and gravitational forces of the moon. There's the sun that shines on everyone alike without judgment. There are the oceans and the seas, the rivers and the streams all flowing in rhythm. And one thing is perfectly clear - everything is drawing you nearer and nearer to the Center of the your Being, showing you ways in which to love yourself perfectly and without prejudice because all that you are being drawn to is the center of the Universe which is YOU! These are the nuggets of gold I learned along the way. And each moment is getting more and more precious as I remember and rediscover the GEM I Am and in doing so, I Am SEEING the GEMS all around me.
I invited teachings that helped to uplift me. I dropped organised religion and narrow minded religious thinking. I moved away from stilted spiritual beliefs, notions and ideas as well. I I love what Nisargadatta Maharaj has to say about 'sin' when asked by a journalist:
Q: What is your attitude to sin? How do you look at a
sinner, somebody who breaks the law, inner or outer? Do you want him to change
or you just pity him? Or, are you indifferent to him because of his sins?
M: I know no sin, nor sinner. Your distinction and valuation
do not bind me. Everybody behaves according to his nature. It cannot be helped,
nor need it be regretted.
Q: Others suffer.
M: Life lives on life. In nature the process is compulsory,
in society it should be voluntary. There can be no life without sacrifice. A
sinner refuses to sacrifice and invites death. This is as it is, and gives no
cause for condemnation or pity.
Q: Surely you feel at least compassion when you see a man
steeped in sin.
M: Yes, I feel I am that man and his sins are my sins.
Q: Right, and what next?
M: By my becoming one with him he becomes one with me. It is
not a conscious process, it happens entirely by itself. None of us can help it.
What needs changing shall change anyhow; enough to know oneself as one is, here
and now. Intense and methodical investigation into one's mind is Yoga.
Q: What about the chains of destiny forged by sin?
M: When ignorance, the mother of sin, dissolves, destiny,
the compulsion to sin again, ceases.
Q: There are retributions to make.
M: With ignorance coming to an end all comes to an end.
Things are then seen as they are and they are good.
Q: If a sinner, a breaker of the law, comes before you and
asks for your grace, what will be your response?
M: He will get what he asks for.
Q: In spite of being a very bad man?
M: I know no bad people, I only know myself. I see no saints
nor sinners, only living beings. I do not hand out grace. There is nothing I
can give, or deny, which you do not have already in equal measure.
Just be aware of your riches and make full use of them. As
long as you imagine that you need my grace, you will be at my door begging for
~ Excerpted from I AM THAT / p.369.~
And that is precisely what I Am and all others are about. I Am Pure Consciousness and everything is Spirit, All That Is. When I cease my human bondage by dropping my human story, my soul is FREE. There's no feeling of lack. I feel less and less desire to please people or worry about what they think, or give them explanations. Everything is what it is. Life moves on. And so must I. Whatever else people feel about me, its entirely their affair. I am no longer concerned in particular by their feelings. By just remembering their True Nature, I allow for their false beliefs of themselves and their lives to be absorbed into the Light of my own Being which is existent in them too. I have no other job but to stay in my Beingness. And as Mooji so perfectly states "When you are free, all who come in contact with you are blessed."
And So It Is. Blessed Be.
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