Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Soul Conversations

Lately my soul searchings have been going deeper and deeper.  I keep having conversations with myself about the awesomeness and the paradoxes of life.  I keep moving from one state to another and it feels safe to do so.  The fear of so many things has left me and more is out on its way. The second half of yesterday seemed to have  spontaneously gone into a reflective phase and I remembered all the people who are no longer connected with me.  I felt a sharp twinge of sadness and wished in my heart I had one more chance to tell them I love them no matter what transpired between us.  Ideally it would have been good to pick up the phone or write a note, but perhaps for the first time, it came so naturally to me to just let it all go and whatever my heart wanted to say to theirs, it would, without a single doubt, reach their hearts and they would know for sure. The play of Life goes beyond our small, limited understanding.  Every interaction - big or small - is significant.  Every Soul I meet is part of my greater growth and development and the learning always unfolds magnificently even if it appears harsh sometimes.  No matter what the tragedy - death, conflict, estrangement, betrayal, etc.- the same learning applies.  I see that now clearly.  Without that interaction then, I would'nt be 'here' now, whatever 'here' may mean at any given moment.

And then there are those deep, melting, heart and soul connections that just bring so much radiance and love into my life and they usually stay.  I have experienced close friends parting ways and coming back with a new consciousness that brings so much soul recognition, love and worthiness and we actually begin to 'see' each other differently.  That is still happening presently in my life.  I EMBRACE everything in the vastness of the Beingness that I Am.  And that includes everything.

A lovely quote from Anita Moorjani says it all so perfectly: "It was as though every moment held infinite possibilities, and where I was at that point in time was a culmination of every decision, every choice, and every thought of my entire life. My many fears and my great power had manifested as this disease."

My 'fear' causes me pain, but my Power?  "My Great Power" is just waiting to be unleashed and when I don't live in the Beauty and Radiance of my own Light, that Holy Gift turns inwards spoiling itself.  Wow!  God's Gifts are all mine.  Its upto me to truly and intimately SEE His Grace and FEEL Her Love.  How Incredible, Glorious, Mighty and Wonderful am I?  How can I not be?  I Am an Extension of God.  No matter what fearful experiences I have, my Soul will bring me back time and time again to this Remembrance of God's Power and Radiance within me.  And as unique as I Am, the same goes for every other Soul on this planet.  Blessed Be.

"Heaven is here.  There is nowhere else.  Heaven is now.  There is no other time." ~ A Course In Miracles

I Am!

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