Thursday, 5 June 2014

My Spiritual Milestones ~ I

Way back in 1996 when I encountered Buddhism and dived right into it with determination to learn about myself, the world, and my relationship with the world, I did'nt know that I was indeed opening a vast path of knowledge for myself. I was as committed as they come and even surprised myself with the fervor and passion I manifested in this 'project'. I surprised myself! Then in 2003 I came to a stagnant point, left the buddhist organisation and started a solo spiritual journey.  

It was at this time that I chanced upon a very very old copy of The Bhagavad Gita in my husband's temple.  It was a family heirloom. The pages were so old and the paper felt like they were going to disintegrate in my hands as I touched them. I opened the sacred Book randomly not having a clue what to expect. I had never ever read The Bhagavad Gita. I had heard stories of "The Ramayan" and also followed the televised series, but never read the Scripture itself. The first verse my eyes fell on was the one that propelled me into the reading and study of Hinduism.

Lord Krishna assures the seeker (paraphrasing) that when he dies and is reborn, the only thing he will ever carry over to his next birth is his spiritual knowledge. He will be placed in a family that will facilitate the continuation of his spiritual progress. This really was incredible and was such encouraging and heartening news indeed which proved to be the best motivator ever! The fact that nothing is going to be wasted just made my journey even more sweeter. A new learning was being gifted to me. I could'nt put down The Gita and loved every verse and the sheer experience of getting to know Lord Krishna and all that He was about was exhilirating. I just love him. Since then I have been a wannabe mystic and a spiritual enthusiast. I fell in love with Lord Krishna. I remember feeling I was being 'disloyal' to Jesus because I fell in love with The Buddha too earlier.  But as I took each step forward I began to learn that all are ONE. I was falling madly in love with different Aspects of Spirit. This was new information for me - one which I lapped up as licence to love freely all the great Masters who taught me something new. I understood it was important for me to stay committed to The Source. The form could change, but the Unchanging Source was the back of all these Aspects. It definitely makes no difference to them because they do not see any 'line' from where they 'stand'. They each saw 'me' as "One" with them individually and collectively.  

Paramhansa Yogananda, spiritual teacher and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi" advised (paraphrasing) that one should have a clear concept of what God means (to you) and then proceed from there in one's spiritual practice.  Until and unless one is clear about this, there will be a lot of uncertainties along the journey. 

The following verse pretty much nailed what God means to me. God was beginning to have a new Identity for me.  The Spirit was Everything and Everywhere. I could choose from any point, and I will find It.

"Still your mind in Me, still yourself in Me,
And without doubt you shall be united with Me,
Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.

But if you cannot still your mind in Me,
Learn to do so through the practice of meditation.

If you lack the will for such self discipline,
Engage yourself in selfless service of all around you,
for selfless service can lead you at last to Me.

If you are unable to do even this,
Surrender yourself to Me in Love,
Receiving success and failure with equal calmness
As granted by Me."

~ The Bhagawad Gita"

Incredible indeed! What an awesome assurance. Be still. If you cannot be still, then keep aside time to meditate on me. If you lack discipline for meditation, then follow the path of selfless service. And if all else fails, just SURRENDER to Me!

However, one question was still to be answered. After all these years, my search ended two days ago! 

Coming up in my next blog will be "The Four Yogas".

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