Tuesday, 3 June 2014


I never blog at night and definitely not in the wee hours of a morning.  But today I'm wide awake because I slept for three continuous hours (5.30-8.30 pm) in the evening. 

I like blogging because, like I have said many times before, its very cathartic for me.  Its my "Dear Diary" thing except that it is not only for Dear Diary's eyes, but for the world as well. Its me putting it out there ... sharing my truth kind of thing which, by the way, keeps changing to arrive at "Thee Truth". Writing tugs at my sensibilities bringing me right to my core and changes me a little bit more in the truth direction.

This evening one of the videos I watched was "The Death of Death" about a lady who had been grieving for the past five years after the loss of her husband and son. Mooji skillfully led her into herself until she ended up not only finding peace with their deaths and herself, but she wound up laughing and singing a chant as well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ungvLDH8OmY&feature=em-uploademail  Watching Mooji is always such an honor and privilege for me.  Once we break free from our stories, there is more and more space created for the Divine to enter. 

Yesterday I watched a speech by Marianne Williamson which was about a 'deeper conversation" basically addressed to the tech industry.  Her speech was fiery, and while it impressed me yesterday, a few hours later it felt like cold ash. There are  all kinds of spiritual teachers with their unique brand of teaching, understanding and interpretation of Truth. I was reminded of the horrors of this world and how changes had to take place.  It was a very gloomy picture.  

But that was yesterday! Because today gave me a new vision of the world and that was by none other than my dear Mooji!!
Now, who would want to argue with that??!!



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