Monday, 23 June 2014

God Loves Me!

The Three most powerful words : GOD LOVES ME.

GOD LOVES ME. Pure simple Truth. Nothing complicated about this.  I have discovered this to be the most powerful statement in my Life. If I do not understand this or forget this as a  revelation, as a truth, and/or as a knowing, then nothing can ever make sense. I will be at Life's ups and downs swinging like a  pendulum.  I will be rootless and without proper foundation. Knowing God loves me is my Truth. It brings back to memory my innocence, my safety, my ocean of being.  Everything belongs.  Every thing is perfect as it is and I have no desire to change anything for anything else or  substitute  something for something else.  All becomes pure Grace. I am learning to live with Patience and Humility with this knowledge.  I am falling into Grace every time I am consciously standing in perfect awareness of this Eternal Truth.  God Loves Me and nothing will ever change this.  I am loved completely, totally and unconditionally. 

Says Adyashanti .....

“When we really start to take a look at who we think we are, we become very grace prone.”

“You’re no longer separate from that beautiful flow. You no longer have a relationship with life because you are Life.”

And So It Is. Aum.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Spiritual Summer Heat

The last few days have been intense in more ways than one.  The weather is extremely hot for starters and I can feel the heat rising up at times in my body.  Needless to say it became a question for self inquiry. 

What is this heat all about? I could see how Nature is programmed in such a mystical way. The seasons come forth as a natural process to help us keep abreast within and to help us to be preoccupied with our own natural processes ... to be in touch with the weather and move alongwith it, so to speak. Its a reminder to bring our focus back to where it belongs - within! In this blistering summer heat, I am reminded that all my trespasses can be burnt out, transformed and healed.  The more I release and allow, the more will be released and allowed.  The more I send forth my  uncertainties, doubts, fears, etc. to The Central Sun for purification, the more likely I am going to be having an uncomfortable physical experience but its not going to last forever because the magical monsoons will shower us with her blessings of water!  Its part of the 'heating' and healing experience. While it is said that magic comes with a price, I definitely believe miracles come with no price. No charge at all. Infact it's all 'loss' and yet its a winner. I loose all that is no more helpful to my life on the one hand and on the other I gain deeper perspectives and inner wisdom because of that 'loss', not to mention healing and transformation!

Since I was on a roll with the self inquiry, I took this opportunity to also sit with something else that has been nagging  me for a long time now. You see, when I watch the world on TV, there are certain places, people and environments that appear to be so familiar.  Its like I have been there, I feel I belong there, there's a taste of familiarity ... and yet, I have reasoned with myself, 'how is that possible?' I may 'see' and 'feel' the vibration of familiarity and belonging but how would I explain the present day setting? If I was actually there in some past life, it would have an older setting. Since I have never travelled the world in this lifetime, I have no memory or remembrances as such that could serve as an explanation. Not all parts of the world feel that way to me. There are also parts of the world that appear unfamiliar. In the last two days these thoughts have been coming and going in my mind and suddenly! .... !!!! comes an audacious thought from nowhere!!!

Is it entirely possible that I am perceiving something new that is beyond my usual frame of reference? Is it possible that I am beginning to understand what the 'unreal' really means? Is it all becoming more real for me? It feels now that this whole world and life as we see it (ancient, old, modern, new, present day, etc.) is completely part of the unreal dream. Is that why I can actually see the futility of my life just going round and round and keeps coming back to full circle - which I can see now is a point of inquiry - with the same old patterns arising and the same kind of people constantly showing up in my experience? Its all memories. There's no reality. That's why life feels so limited because we are in this realm of our minds which appears to have no door opening to a new life.  Everything appears to be recycled.  Even though technology seems to have made phenomenal progress on the one hand, on the other hand the old is all coming back (whether movies, songs, fashions, education, etc. etc.)and everyone is trying to give a 'new' spin to the old. I feel like we are in limbo.

Is that why I am sensing deeply an old familiarity about the world even though it has a seemingly new spin to it today?  Even interactions with people from other parts of the world seems so familiar and known?  The energy feels like energy that I have interacted and shared in previously.  Wow! what a mystery filled with an inner history, perhaps?

Ancient wisdom tells us that for us to move forward without pain and suffering is to live in the "NOW" COMPLETELY.  This needs deeper comprehension. This is not a New Age lingo. Its not easy to live in the moment.  To live in the moment means complete attention right here, right now, with not an inkling of the mind wandering anywhere. This means letting go all that is familiar and 'safe'.  This means breaking down boundaries where I needed keep them in order to protect myself.  This means to completely reverse my beliefs and to be open to complete change. It also means that I will need to evaluate how long I can keep up charades of pretending to be a part of something or someone just not to upset the apple cart or the known and familiar. It means doing my thing without the need for accolades and praise and recognition. This means forgetting the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries because those are days that make us feel extra special.  All attention is focussed on me and its the only time I can get people to do that!!!  This means building the foundations of something entirely new.  Can I do that?  I'm working on it. I have been working on this for many years now. In my mind there has never been another option. TO CHANGE IS TO CHANGE FROM WITHIN FIRST.

Today, for the first time ever, I felt like a very 'ancient' Soul. "I Am Unborn" says Nisargadatta Maharaj. Indeed, we all are. It's our purpose in life to come to that recognition and remembrance too.


Thursday, 5 June 2014

My Spiritual Milestones ~ I

Way back in 1996 when I encountered Buddhism and dived right into it with determination to learn about myself, the world, and my relationship with the world, I did'nt know that I was indeed opening a vast path of knowledge for myself. I was as committed as they come and even surprised myself with the fervor and passion I manifested in this 'project'. I surprised myself! Then in 2003 I came to a stagnant point, left the buddhist organisation and started a solo spiritual journey.  

It was at this time that I chanced upon a very very old copy of The Bhagavad Gita in my husband's temple.  It was a family heirloom. The pages were so old and the paper felt like they were going to disintegrate in my hands as I touched them. I opened the sacred Book randomly not having a clue what to expect. I had never ever read The Bhagavad Gita. I had heard stories of "The Ramayan" and also followed the televised series, but never read the Scripture itself. The first verse my eyes fell on was the one that propelled me into the reading and study of Hinduism.

Lord Krishna assures the seeker (paraphrasing) that when he dies and is reborn, the only thing he will ever carry over to his next birth is his spiritual knowledge. He will be placed in a family that will facilitate the continuation of his spiritual progress. This really was incredible and was such encouraging and heartening news indeed which proved to be the best motivator ever! The fact that nothing is going to be wasted just made my journey even more sweeter. A new learning was being gifted to me. I could'nt put down The Gita and loved every verse and the sheer experience of getting to know Lord Krishna and all that He was about was exhilirating. I just love him. Since then I have been a wannabe mystic and a spiritual enthusiast. I fell in love with Lord Krishna. I remember feeling I was being 'disloyal' to Jesus because I fell in love with The Buddha too earlier.  But as I took each step forward I began to learn that all are ONE. I was falling madly in love with different Aspects of Spirit. This was new information for me - one which I lapped up as licence to love freely all the great Masters who taught me something new. I understood it was important for me to stay committed to The Source. The form could change, but the Unchanging Source was the back of all these Aspects. It definitely makes no difference to them because they do not see any 'line' from where they 'stand'. They each saw 'me' as "One" with them individually and collectively.  

Paramhansa Yogananda, spiritual teacher and author of "Autobiography of a Yogi" advised (paraphrasing) that one should have a clear concept of what God means (to you) and then proceed from there in one's spiritual practice.  Until and unless one is clear about this, there will be a lot of uncertainties along the journey. 

The following verse pretty much nailed what God means to me. God was beginning to have a new Identity for me.  The Spirit was Everything and Everywhere. I could choose from any point, and I will find It.

"Still your mind in Me, still yourself in Me,
And without doubt you shall be united with Me,
Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.

But if you cannot still your mind in Me,
Learn to do so through the practice of meditation.

If you lack the will for such self discipline,
Engage yourself in selfless service of all around you,
for selfless service can lead you at last to Me.

If you are unable to do even this,
Surrender yourself to Me in Love,
Receiving success and failure with equal calmness
As granted by Me."

~ The Bhagawad Gita"

Incredible indeed! What an awesome assurance. Be still. If you cannot be still, then keep aside time to meditate on me. If you lack discipline for meditation, then follow the path of selfless service. And if all else fails, just SURRENDER to Me!

However, one question was still to be answered. After all these years, my search ended two days ago! 

Coming up in my next blog will be "The Four Yogas".

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


I never blog at night and definitely not in the wee hours of a morning.  But today I'm wide awake because I slept for three continuous hours (5.30-8.30 pm) in the evening. 

I like blogging because, like I have said many times before, its very cathartic for me.  Its my "Dear Diary" thing except that it is not only for Dear Diary's eyes, but for the world as well. Its me putting it out there ... sharing my truth kind of thing which, by the way, keeps changing to arrive at "Thee Truth". Writing tugs at my sensibilities bringing me right to my core and changes me a little bit more in the truth direction.

This evening one of the videos I watched was "The Death of Death" about a lady who had been grieving for the past five years after the loss of her husband and son. Mooji skillfully led her into herself until she ended up not only finding peace with their deaths and herself, but she wound up laughing and singing a chant as well!  Watching Mooji is always such an honor and privilege for me.  Once we break free from our stories, there is more and more space created for the Divine to enter. 

Yesterday I watched a speech by Marianne Williamson which was about a 'deeper conversation" basically addressed to the tech industry.  Her speech was fiery, and while it impressed me yesterday, a few hours later it felt like cold ash. There are  all kinds of spiritual teachers with their unique brand of teaching, understanding and interpretation of Truth. I was reminded of the horrors of this world and how changes had to take place.  It was a very gloomy picture.  

But that was yesterday! Because today gave me a new vision of the world and that was by none other than my dear Mooji!!
Now, who would want to argue with that??!!



Monday, 2 June 2014

In My Heart

“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”  
~ Albert Einstein ~

This is the central theme of my life now. I am listening to the voice of my Soul.  I am feeling more at peace. I am feeling braver and more courageous as I take another step forward to walk the path that has already been illumined by Spirit.

In "The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking" Jesus says "You have been called to be a bearer of peace in this world of dreams.  There is a reason for this.  You want to wake up from this world and it is the only way.  Do you understand this?  The only way for you to awaken is to awaken others. And yet, no one needs to wake up, but YOU. Think about this for a moment. No one needs to awaken but you. Why then do I say that you must give this to receive it? It is so simple. Because you are only giving to yourself.  There is no one there but you to give or receive".

This message is so powerful. It refreshes my soul. It is allowing me to 'see' with deeper clarity the Power of God reflected in me. The Light of Spirit is my True and Real Companion always. I am always perfect as God made me. This is my only task to remember. Aum.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

What Is Going On In My Mind Right Now?

When I put aside everything just for a brief moment, descend into deep thought, and ask myself just this one simple question :

"What's going on in my mind this very moment, right now ... what's going on ... not the surface thoughts, but the thoughts behind the surface thoughts?" 

My answer comes up with another inquiry : "Is all of this true?"

Is all of this true?

It has been established that I am not my body or my name. Then who am I? A good question which I know very well theoretically. But how much of it do I know  experientially?

Silence and meditation is the route.  Its the place to begin to facilitate The Inquiry deeper. When I direct all my energies to this or any other question I have, I find myself falling into my Heart.  What better place to be than this?  I smile. 
