Presently, I am extremely busy playing the role of caretaker for
my mother who has just had a hip surgery.
She makes for a very difficult and challenging patient and I am hoping I
can learn more deeply from this whole experience. When one member of the family is ill, it
always affects everyone else. All our
‘nursing’ and ‘caring’ skills automatically come to the fore and we begin to
make temporary changes in the way we will run our lives for a few days/weeks,
Time was when I looked at sickness just for what it was supposed to
mean – just sickness. I was clueless
about the mind’s role in the whole business of health and healing. Now I believe the world has become a lot more
enlightened and most of us know that for healing to take place at the deepest
and absolute level it has to be addressed spiritually. So, I decided to go the Ho’oponopono
way. Only one problem: I was coming in
my own way through my own resistance to a lot of emotional stuff that just kept
resurfacing. The patient is my mother
and we have a lot of history. I thought all my abandonment issues were firmly over and done with only to find a lot
of unforgiveness and resentment still lurked in the darkest recesses of my
subconscious mind as I was called to help her in the most basic ways. She is unable to do anything for herself at the moment and so that is where I come in. The irony of Life is that the very foundation of healing is that you can do something for someone who never did it for you even as a duty with absolute compassion. Life knows all the
right remedies. There are no complicated theories. We have to overcome through our deepest and most painful wounds. Words are not enough. The Universe will call you to action to back up the words. To say "I Love You" and "I Forgive You" is not enough. Action will be the testimony to those words. The workings of our
subconscious mind can be turned around to heal us, but the important lesson is
to learn why that illness and pain has presented itself. The wounding comes from a place beyond us and
so does the cure.
Paul Levy says:
“The archetype of the wounded healer reveals to us that it is only by being willing to face, consciously experience and go through our wound do we receive its blessing. To go through our wound is to embrace, assent, and say “yes” to the mysteriously painful new place in ourselves where the wound is leading us. Going through our wound, we can allow ourselves to be re-created by the wound. Our wound is not a static entity, but rather a continually unfolding dynamic process that manifests, reveals and incarnates itself through us, which is to say that our wound is teaching us something about ourselves. Going through our wound means realizing we will never again be the same when we get to the other side of this initiatory process. Going through our wound is a genuine death experience, as our old self “dies” in the process, while a new, more expansive and empowered part of ourselves is potentially born.
Going through and embracing our wound as a part of ourselves is radically different than circumnavigating and going around (avoiding), or getting stuck in and endlessly, obsessively recreating (being taken over by) our wound. The event of our wounding is simultaneously catalyzing a deeper (potential) healing process which requires our active engagement, thus “wedding” us to a deeper level of our being.”
Not everyone changes with age. What do you do
when the patient you are caring for is not prone to heeding good medical advise or who
is a very challenging one? You just have
to write a new script. Look at the whole
experience as something to learn from. And
this is where Ho’oponopono comes in.
Joe Vitale’s “Zero Limits” talks about “Ho'oponopono”, a Hawain
system of healing in great depth. The Basics
of Ho’oponopono is that we take 100% responsibility for whatever comes
into our experience, whether it is something we ourselves are doing or it is a
problem with a loved one, if someone confides in us about a problem, or
even if we hear something on the news. Anything that evokes negative emotion
which includes doubt, fear, guilt, etc. becomes our problem. We are all
connected. What hurts one, hurts
all. At whatever level we feel healed,
there are many minds that are healed as well. To know more about this practice you can go here
You will notice the whole practice is about ‘you’ and not about the ‘patient’.
That’s exactly the whole idea.
You are your brother’s keeper!!
Indeed, I take absolute responsibility for everything in my experience. When I am healed, the other is healed. As it turns out, I am not really 'caretaking' my mother, but rather, it is my own soul that I am taking care of in order to experience absolute healing all around.
Quite a revelation indeed!
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