Shall I tell you why there is so much lack of demonstration
in metaphysical circles? It is because there is a dependence on statements of
Truth -- affirmations and denials -- instead of an effort to make an actual
contact or realization of God-being. Talk about God -- Truth -- wholeness --
health will not do. Talk less. Pray more. What is prayer? Is it some word or
message you send to God? No. Prayer is the Word of God which comes to you when
you are silent enough, still enough, expectant enough to receive it. This Word
of God which you receive in Silence becomes visible as health, harmony,
success, peace, joy and dominion where all the world may see it.
Until every one of us can report that we receive the Word of
God continuously, that we can almost at will feel the divine Presence, there
will be need of these reminders. From this point on, there is very little need
of our learning more Truth. You already know what God is; what the Christ is;
what man is; and you know the nature of error and how it claims to operate. At
least you can pass an oral or written examination on these subjects and get no
less than 100 per cent. Every one of us is intellectually clear on these major
points of metaphysics. If any of you doubt your complete understanding of these
metaphysical truths, then hurry up and get yourself letter perfect in them: God
-- Christ -- man -- error.
The next step is prayer, or treatment. I prefer to think of
treatment as a conscious realization, through argument, of the truth about God,
Christ, man and error; and prayer as the spiritual consciousness of Truth
through Silence. In other words, treatment would deal with the letter, or
argument, leading up to realization, and prayer would be the pure Silence and
receptivity to the spiritual consciousness of harmony. You understand, of
course, that ordinarily in metaphysics treatment and prayer are synonymous, but
that I have made this distinction for myself.
To me, prayer is a state of receptivity in which Truth is
realized without taking conscious thought. At first prayer is best practiced
when sitting quietly and peacefully in harmonious surroundings. We are more apt
to achieve Silence when we are away from disturbing noises and unsympathetic
thoughts. I mean by this, when we are not in the same room with people who do
not understand or lean toward our thought.
At one place Jesus shut out all from
the room except his disciples. In that way, we should find meditation or prayer
an easy matter when we are together like this. We have the stillness of night
and the companionship of each other -- all of us are eager for this experience
of God-consciousness. The Pentecostal experience comes easily when we are
together -- in one place and of one Mind. "For where two or three are
gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." -- the
Christ presence is felt and responded to. As we continue our daily praying --
setting aside three or four periods each day and extending to greater length at
least the morning and evening periods -- the attainment of Silent Receptivity
becomes more and more natural and simple. Gradually we find ourselves in prayer
while at work -- driving -- walking. Ultimately we achieve it even while
conversing or while in a room where much talk goes on -- even while at the theatre
and movies in the very midst of the performance. It all begins with practicing
the listening ear. Learn to keep that right ear half cocked all the time. Never
get so engrossed in what you are doing that you forget the listening ear. Do
not be concerned with or about results. We have no more right to think about
results than the beginner at the piano should be thinking of playing a concert.
Constant receptivity to the Inner Self should be our aim.
I have shown you in Scripture authority for the teaching
that I AM. You followed the revelation of the Orientals in the many statements
that I AM; you heard Moses declare, "I AM THAT I AM;" you heard Jesus
tell you over and over that I am the Life, the Truth, the Way, the
Resurrection, the Wine and the Water.
Likewise, I gave you unstinted authority for my unfoldment
of the nature of error. It would be a truth and a correct teaching if I had
given you no authority but my word -- but never have I presented anything to
you as wholly original because I have found authority all through the ages of
history for what has also revealed itself to me. Having satisfied you that I am
offering nothing new, except perhaps an individual manner of presentation, I
feel that you should be ready to judge anything now on the strength of your own
reaction to it. In other words, by now you should be sufficiently consciously
aware of the one Mind to be able to read or hear any statement of metaphysics
and know for yourself whether or not it is a truth or personal belief. Jesus
said, "My doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me." His hearers
should have "felt" the rightness of his words. We like to feel that
if we had been among the multitudes listening to Jesus that we surely would
have recognized the Truth and followed his teachings. Maybe -- perhaps.
I want to introduce to you a most radical teaching -- and
frankly, I would not dare do it even to you advanced students unless I could
gently carry you across a bridge of authority. Even this bridge will not make
the teaching less radical -- but it will serve to hold you up until you have
demonstrated it in some measure.
While presenting to you the revelation of your true identity
as infinite spiritual Consciousness, I, nevertheless, kept you in familiar
surroundings so that the jump would not be too great. But we are now starting
out on a voyage into what may be deep waters; and you will need to remind
yourselves often that the one Mind is your only Mind, and, therefore, you can depend
on IT for guidance and direction and protection.
Have you ever thought about how you would heal if you could
not use the human mind?
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