Saturday, 25 January 2014

Be the Buddha With No Bliss!

What an incredible and awesome way to start the day!! BE THE BUDDHA WITH NO BLISS!!!  I needed this to break the seriousness of the last few days.  Me, who has never been interested in politics has suddenly become involved with the changing and dynamic political scenario in my beloved city New Delhi, India.  I have been posting and sharing support for my  favored political party "Aam Aadmi" and the founder, Arvind Kejriwal simply because he/they represent life shifting changes in my country.  We need it! OMG! how desperately we need this change!!  And as with all things  that threaten the ego, there are those whose agendas are suspect screaming at the top of their voices to influence his rising popularity by their negative outbursts.

But yesterday, I took a step back and examined all of these feelings and activities that were taking place by me and within me and had to question why this grabbed my attention so much and how do I spiritually take it in my stride?  Indeed, I received the answer as I switched to 'news feed' on facebook.

"Don't be misled by the personal mind flow which often draws one's attention away from reality and ties it up with mundane, material concerns. It is in such ways that even seekers of truth get 'stuck' in the level of time, effort and identity. Wake up." ~ Mooji

I woke up!!!  On the one hand I am 'working' diligently on the understanding and the awakening truth that all is Spirit and there is nothing outside of Spirit and that the world I see is an illusion - and here, on the other hand I was busy backing up my favoured political party with so much gusto and an underlying belief that I have to 'influence' doubtful and deeply critical minds about the authenticity of this new kid on the block, because indeed, he is the new face of the common man and unreasonable expectations are very high by armchair  politicians.

I began to meditate and contemplate on this whole new side of me ... or was it new? Why did it matter so much to me?  I realised he touched a nerve within me. I admired how he was ready to take an honest and truthful stand against all odds. He was unafraid of the biting criticism that was coming from so many quarters. He was not ready to compromise and make deals with those who did not have the same deep passion for Truth.  I could'nt help wondering, is'nt that how it is when we begin to strip ourselves down to the bare truth of who we are? When we begin our inward journey, so much has to go.  Its a very dark time where you are grossly misunderstood.  You begin to loose all that was familiar and 'safe' and  you find yourself on a road that is filled with Unseen Angels and yet do not know or feel it. It is a time of complete faith - a time to take the biggest leap of faith you have ever taken.  And then you find yourself in an inner safety net that protects you no matter how it looks on the outside.

 This took me to the lives of saints and sages and my Master and Friend, Jeshua... what would He have me do? He would have me live in JOY. He would have me live in detachment to the outcomes of this world I see as my projection. He would have me live in Christ Consciousness. Everything is All that Is. Cosmic change is already in motion.  No matter what I do or don't do to  propagate and believe, there IS a Power above all of this by Whose Will everything moves and is guided. My part is to BE the change I want to see, by imbibing the true values of Truth and hold myself centered in the Light of that Truth. My vibrations have to be raised many notches above the current scenario so that  I send love and light to all other minds, because in truth, all minds are joined in one mind - The Divine Mind.  My job is to loose the fear of criticism and the need to be 'liked' by all.  Once again, my 'job' is BEING ....

And what better way than to live in JOY!!  I woke up to this video of Mooji "Laughing Buddhas (2)" and it brought EVERYTHING into perspective.  It was hilarious! It was sheer joy! It was perfect!  Be ready to be the Buddha with no bliss and bliss will come to you says Mooji! Awesome!!

My gratitude knows no bounds.  In Gratitude I live.


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