Friday, 31 January 2014

The Truth That Set Me, Lavina, Free!!

When the Truth sets you free, you no longer need your personal story.  You can relinquish it like an old garment. ~Yours Truly~

"Every moment spent in thinking, reading about or listening to the teaching of another self, another mind, being and existence beside the One, keeps one’s attention from the Truth, the Real, the present All-in-All. With avid zeal, and in pure delight, one should hasten to drop everything pertaining to duality, devoting himself entirely to the pure and perfect ONE AS ALL. Devotion to perfect Knowledge instantly puts to naught our association with any doctrine, method or practice based upon a mind and thinking which is not of God. Identified as the one Self, and loving the One beyond all else, we are gloriously aware of Harmony, Peace, Joy and Wholeness as our own Life, Mind and Consciousness, here and now."  ~Lillian De Waters~

What is Truth?
"This is Truth: One God, One Self, One Spirit, One Mind, One Existence, reigning alone-Eternally. Truth is everpresent — complete, absolute, total, all. Truth is without interval or interruption, remaining identical within Itself. To be or not to be the One which reigns alone, is the issue which is paramount today. To know the Truth that one Self exists alone; or to claim existence of two — God and humanity — reveals one’s present Knowledge or belief.

Truth stands alone. Truth has no opposite. Truth has no supposititious antipode. Truth has no second. The teaching that we must develop from one state to another, emerge from matter into Spirit, and be translated from a material existence into the spiritual World, is a denial of the sacred, everlasting Truth that GOD is within us; CHRIST is within us; THE KINGDOM OF GOD is within us — right where we are Here and Now.

Whatever is true and perfect remains true and perfect always. Never can there be a becoming state of Reality. Our true and perfect Self is here NOW. Time and place are unknown to God. How far away from us is our Self? It is always right where we are. It knows no one is present, no one is here, but Me. In Me, there is no fear, no darkness nor veil, nor myth of Adam and sin, nor warfare, tribulation and death. I AM the One World, The ONE I AM THAT I AM. I yield My glory to none other.

We have no self or mind that is human or body that is material; no human self, mind or body can ever be. WE ARE THE ONE WHO EXISTS ALONE. All contrary beliefs must be surrendered. Truth comes as Revelation to him who, surrendering all belief of himself as another beside the One, and with his whole heart loving the Infinite unseparated ONE above all else, rejoicingly identifies himself as the one Self, the one Being, Mind and World—SPIRIT.

The one universal Selfhood was never severed. Not anything was ever lost; nor is there something to be gained. The real Self is our only Self. This Self is God. Other than the Self, There is no God.

Reader, if you would be whole, happy and free, then identify yourself as the true and real Self only. Whatever is not true should not be considered or tolerated. Freedom consists in knowing what Truth is, and in being Truth. To know what Truth is, and to be Truth, provides our perfect answer to every question, rendering certain and sure our complete safety, security and happiness, here and now.

Thoughts may change, doctrines and laws undergo revisions, but the Truth that the perfect Self is our only Self, reigns alone — Eternally."

~ Lillian DeWaters ~

Thursday, 30 January 2014

I Am Open To Life

My heart feels at ease.  There's nothing to be in a hurry for.  I have just let every anxiety remove itself from my body, mind and spirit. 

I Am completely and totally open to new experiences, intuition and inner stirrings as they flow from my Heart.  

I will stay illumined in my Soul Light as I go about my affairs today living completely from my Heart.

With Divine Love and Blessings.


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Everything Is Only God

Yesterday a very dear friend on facebook sent me a photo representing abject poverty and asked me what I thought about it.  He meant well.  I believe he is disturbed deeply by the sight of such starvation and deprivation in "third world" countries as many are.  He obviously was asking for my spiritual view.  I thought a lot about it since then - not of the situation, but how to answer a question about a world situation that seems so 'real' to all of us on this earth plane. I am happy to talk about this because it gives me a wonderful opportunity to share my own experience on how I am able to make inroads into my mind to think differently, to think as Spirit would have us know and believe.  I have no clear answers.  I just have guiding lights that are helping me on this journey of self discovery of the web of connection and oneness in and with All That Is.  I'm overjoyed to share with other Seekers of Truth.

"Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened." 

I have held on to this thought as the key to unlock all my unending questions about Life and my place in it.  I continue to ask, knock and seek because that is all I know in order to touch the core of my existence.  Not surprisingly, the answers come flowing effortlessly because that is the promise Jesus left behind for us.  I have  to just  recognize and be aware constantly to all the messages that come in as answers through various means. So, when I first heard some ten years ago that this world is not real, naturally that has become THE  beginning and end of all other smaller, peripheral issues of the world including mundane living.  It appears that is the only purpose we are here on earth: to discover our True Identity and See the Oneness of all of Life.  There is only The ONE.  There is NO other.  But this, "no other" business always poses a challenge because we firmly believe in the concept of "other" as in "evil" that is ingrained  into our psyche which is the root cause of our illusions and ignorance. To unwrap ourselves from this deeply ignorant thinking, is our only mission.

So, do I 'see' poverty in this world? Unfortunately, yes!! I'm afraid I'm not that enlightened, awakened and aware, but those ideas are very much in the forefront of my mind. There are many 'aha','wow', 'I got it' moments, but these are opening up the mind for a true reality. I am learning to detach from the unreality of evil, suffering and pain.  I AM  practicing everyday to SEE differently, to think different and feel differently.   I remind myself through affirmations, meditations, contemplations, reading, etc. that these do not exist in the world of God.  It exists only in the mind of illusion.  There is only ONE Divine Mind. To think that we have separate minds is an illusion.

Nisargadatta Maharaj said "There is no chaos in the world, except the chaos which your mind creates. It is self-created in the sense that at its very center is the false idea of oneself as a thing different and separate from other things. In reality you are not a thing, nor separate."   So, then, do I ignore the so-called pain and suffering in the world that I still see?  The answer is NO.  But I detach from the illusion of suffering.  I just imagine that I am seeing a movie, which indeed we are.  I tell myself this is not true, but I accept everything the way it is presenting itself at this moment.  I don't argue it.  I resist many times, but its not long before I come back on track.  We have no option but to wake up.  As long as we see pain, we are seeing with our body's eyes.  And when we see through the body's eyes, we suffer physical pain as well.  So, that in itself should be a reason to wake up fully and NOW!


Nisargadatta Maharaj says 
"It is your fixed idea that you must be something or other that blinds you." 

"There is no such thing as a person. There are only restrictions and limitations. The sum total of these defines the person. (…) The person merely appears to be, like the space within the pot appears to have the shape and volume and smell of the pot."

"Please understand that there is only one thing to be understood, and that is that you are the formless, timeless unborn." 

"It is your fixed idea that you must be something or other that blinds you." 

Jesus says 
"You believe that "being afraid" is involuntary, something beyond your control. Yet I have told you several times that only constructive acts should be involuntary.  We have said that Christ-control can take over everything that does not matter while Christ -guidance can direct everything that does if you so choose.  Fear CANNOT BE CHRIST-CONTROLLED, but it can be self-controlled.  It prevents Me from controlling. The correction is therefore a matter of your will, because its presence shows that you have raised the unimportant to a higher level than it warrants.  You have thus brought it under your will, where it does not belong.  This means that you feel responsible for it.  The level of confusion here is obvious.

The reason I cannot control fear for you is that you are attempting to raise to the mind level the proper content of lower order reality.  I do not foster level confusion, but you can choose to correct it.  You would not tolerate insane behavior on your part and would hardly advance the excuse that you could not help it.  Why should you tolerate insane thinking?  There is a confusion here which you would do well to look at clearly.  You believe that you are responsible for what you do but not for what  you think.  The truth is you are responsible for what you think because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice.

What you do comes from what you think.  You cannot separate yourself from the truth by "giving" autonomy to behavior. This is controlled by Me automatically as soon as you place what you think under my guidance.  Whenever you are afraid, it is a sure sign that you have allowed your mind to miscreate or have not allowed me to guide it.  It is pointless to believe that controlling the outcome of misthought can result in healing.  When you are afraid you have willed wrongly.  This is why you feel responsible for it.  You must change your mind, not your behaviour and this is a matter of will." ~ A Course In Miracles ~

And finally ... 

Nothing real can be threatened
Nothing unreal exists
~ A Course In Miracles ~

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Be the Buddha With No Bliss!

What an incredible and awesome way to start the day!! BE THE BUDDHA WITH NO BLISS!!!  I needed this to break the seriousness of the last few days.  Me, who has never been interested in politics has suddenly become involved with the changing and dynamic political scenario in my beloved city New Delhi, India.  I have been posting and sharing support for my  favored political party "Aam Aadmi" and the founder, Arvind Kejriwal simply because he/they represent life shifting changes in my country.  We need it! OMG! how desperately we need this change!!  And as with all things  that threaten the ego, there are those whose agendas are suspect screaming at the top of their voices to influence his rising popularity by their negative outbursts.

But yesterday, I took a step back and examined all of these feelings and activities that were taking place by me and within me and had to question why this grabbed my attention so much and how do I spiritually take it in my stride?  Indeed, I received the answer as I switched to 'news feed' on facebook.

"Don't be misled by the personal mind flow which often draws one's attention away from reality and ties it up with mundane, material concerns. It is in such ways that even seekers of truth get 'stuck' in the level of time, effort and identity. Wake up." ~ Mooji

I woke up!!!  On the one hand I am 'working' diligently on the understanding and the awakening truth that all is Spirit and there is nothing outside of Spirit and that the world I see is an illusion - and here, on the other hand I was busy backing up my favoured political party with so much gusto and an underlying belief that I have to 'influence' doubtful and deeply critical minds about the authenticity of this new kid on the block, because indeed, he is the new face of the common man and unreasonable expectations are very high by armchair  politicians.

I began to meditate and contemplate on this whole new side of me ... or was it new? Why did it matter so much to me?  I realised he touched a nerve within me. I admired how he was ready to take an honest and truthful stand against all odds. He was unafraid of the biting criticism that was coming from so many quarters. He was not ready to compromise and make deals with those who did not have the same deep passion for Truth.  I could'nt help wondering, is'nt that how it is when we begin to strip ourselves down to the bare truth of who we are? When we begin our inward journey, so much has to go.  Its a very dark time where you are grossly misunderstood.  You begin to loose all that was familiar and 'safe' and  you find yourself on a road that is filled with Unseen Angels and yet do not know or feel it. It is a time of complete faith - a time to take the biggest leap of faith you have ever taken.  And then you find yourself in an inner safety net that protects you no matter how it looks on the outside.

 This took me to the lives of saints and sages and my Master and Friend, Jeshua... what would He have me do? He would have me live in JOY. He would have me live in detachment to the outcomes of this world I see as my projection. He would have me live in Christ Consciousness. Everything is All that Is. Cosmic change is already in motion.  No matter what I do or don't do to  propagate and believe, there IS a Power above all of this by Whose Will everything moves and is guided. My part is to BE the change I want to see, by imbibing the true values of Truth and hold myself centered in the Light of that Truth. My vibrations have to be raised many notches above the current scenario so that  I send love and light to all other minds, because in truth, all minds are joined in one mind - The Divine Mind.  My job is to loose the fear of criticism and the need to be 'liked' by all.  Once again, my 'job' is BEING ....

And what better way than to live in JOY!!  I woke up to this video of Mooji "Laughing Buddhas (2)" and it brought EVERYTHING into perspective.  It was hilarious! It was sheer joy! It was perfect!  Be ready to be the Buddha with no bliss and bliss will come to you says Mooji! Awesome!!

My gratitude knows no bounds.  In Gratitude I live.


Friday, 17 January 2014

What Do I Want To 'SEE'?

Everyday is a choice of what I want to 'SEE' in the world, how can I become more and more aware of my True Identity.  One of the ways I do this is to try and focus only on The Light of the world which is the true nature of Spirit.  At other times, I try to BE comfortable about who I Am every moment. Most times I'm falling and getting up! Sometimes those moments don't feel good moments, but they help me to NOT judge me but instead go inwards and inquire 'why' only to come up with feeling that all is perfect no matter how loud the world may be screaming at me of its imperfections.  The dual nature of the mind wants to constantly judge what's good and what is not.  The singular nature of the mind 'Sees' everything as All That Is.  The Vedic Scriptures say "All is Brahman".  All is God. The Bible says "I Am the Lord your God.  There is no other". Enlightened Saints and Sages have shared their deep intimacy with Spirit and tell us there is only The One.  Life is vibrant with the Life and the Holy Breath of The Source. If I see anything else, then my vision needs correcting.  I am perfectly okay with that.  All Is Well.

Gems from the saints:

Francis of Assisi ~ "God came to my house and asked for charity. I fell to my knees and cried, Beloved, what may I give? Just love, he said, Just love."

Teresa of Avila ~ "How did those Christian priests ever get so serious and preach all that gloom? I don’t think God has tickled them yet. Beloved -- hurry!" 

John of The Cross ~ “What is Grace? I asked God. And He said, All that happens. Then he added, when I looked perplexed, Could not lovers say that every moment in their Beloved’s arms was grace? All existence is in my arms, though I well understand how one can turn away from me until the heart has wisdom.”

Rabia ~ “In my soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church where I kneel. Prayer should bring us to an altar where no walls or names exist. Is there not a region of love where the sovereignty is illumined nothing, where ecstasy gets poured into itself and becomes lost, where the wing is fully alive but has no mind or body? In my soul there is a temple, a shrine, a mosque, a church that dissolve, that dissolve in God.”

Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Truth Will Set You Free ......

Yesterday I read a very distressing post from a friend on facebook regarding a bad situation that had happened here in India.  Unfortnately on the world stage all kinds of atrocities are being committed and everyone is entirely fed up with the world that we live in. We are looking to hold someone responsible.  We need to be told that some action is taking place.  We need  politicians to be accountable.  We need, need, need.  But all this need is on the outside of us. I wanted to comment but then I knew my comments would anger some people - well most people - because it is far easier to be in a rage, and mad angry. Ask me, I know all about rage!!!  I have gotten into many a rage and still do sometimes when my frustration levels are up, but the difference is now I KNOW better - maybe not in that moment of rage, but definitely in a day or two because I immediately sit down to do my process of self inquiry.  But that is not good enough. I need to be totally conscious and aware IN the moment of rage to fully comprehend my insanity and madness in that moment.  And so, I thought I would blog about it so that I can shed a little light from my personal experience on how one can use the pain and suffering that we experience into opening up an entirely new way of thinking about one's life. I'm not an expert and truly no one in this world is.  Each learns from his/her own experiences and tries to help another to lift themselves up for starters. The rest one has to find one's own way. 

BUT THE FIRST PLACE TO START IS WITH ONE'S SELF.  If rage and anger could change the world, it would have been paradise by now!! Nothing has changed judging by the history of all the wars, conflicts and atrocities we have heaped upon each other for millions of years and continue to do so.  But clearly aggression is not the answer.  So, then what is??

The Mind. Beginning to understand the workings of the mind is the very first step. I am responsible for all that I see in my world.  I have contributed to the making of this world.  The dynamics are unique for each one, but only I can begin to change the world when I start a change within ME.  Every thought is an energy that expands and expands with intentional focus.  If I am angry, I am sending the energy of fear into the universe and I will be gathering unto me all such like minded individuals and situations to match my energetic vibration.  If I am at ease and remember that I am Love, similar experiences will be drawn to me.  What we focus on expands.  Like I said, since we don't know the dynamics of things in another's soul, it would best be to focus on one's own healing first.  As one starts, one will begin to understand why the world is the way it is, what is the role of the individual soul, how can perceptions be changed, etc. etc. but one has to have a DESIRE - burning desire, for change for change to begin to take place.

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” ~ Gloria Steinem. 

I can assure you, when you begin to realize that the world you see has been created by your own thoughts, which is why each individual sees the world differently, it will really anger and piss you off. You will be unable to accept the fact that all of the happenings in your life took shape because of the way you THOUGHT about Life. The choices you made according to your thoughts and perceptions.  I went through different emotions when it finally dawned on me that this was true, because I could literally remember what my thoughts were about a person or situation before it exploded into a huge war of words and conflicts.  God has nothing to do with it. God gets a bad rap for everything.  My mother is unable to accept her old age. She  is 83 and is still resisting everything about old age and everyday she curses God!!! What a miserable way to spend one's golden years.  And so, right before my eyes, I can see how thoughts have shaped her reality.  I can see how my thoughts have shaped my reality.  I don't need to be a rocket scientist to begin to comprehend this.

When I started digging deeper into my own life, I found that I was profoundly and deeply sad.  I found that I needed to cry my heart out and release the immense pain in my being but I didnt understand why I held that pain, till I began to comprehend the magnitude of that pain.  That pain was there lodged in my heart not for any human being to make me happy, but that pain was there because this small 'me' felt estranged from God, from The Source.  Love is my true nature and it was missing because I, the Higher Self was missing from my equation. Everything else that happens to make me believe in my sadness and pain are like passing clouds in a clear blue eternally vast sky. Once I saw the root of my problem, I realised how I managed to stay in my miserable place of pain by getting myself hooked up with everyone else's pain in my world.  My misery kept needing to be fed and what better way than to hook on to another's misery?  I can be of no help to anyone if my own life condition is low and weak.  To save the world, one has to transcend the world.

And so, if anyone is looking for a new way, I am gently nudging you to check out Adyashanti's teachings.  Maybe it will help.  Maybe it will not.  But its a start.  There are many paths.  All lead to One Source.

In order to seek, you must first have an idea, ideal, or an image, what it is you are seeking. That idea may not even be very conscious or clear but it must be there in order for you to seek. Being an idea it cannot be real. That’s why Seng-ts’an says “only cease to cherish opinions.” By opinions he means ideas, ideals, beliefs, and images, as well as personal opinions. This sounds easy but it is rarely as easy as it seems. Seng-ts’an is not saying you should never have a thought in your head, he is saying not to cherish the thoughts in your head. To cherish implies an emotional attachment and holding on to. When you cherish something, you place value on it because you think that it is real or because it defines who you think you are. This cherishing of thoughts and opinions is what the false self thrives on. It is what the false self is made of. When you realize that none of your ideas about truth are real, it is quite a shock to your system. It is an unexpected blow to the seeker and the seeking.
The task of any useful spiritual practice is therefore to dismantle cherishing the thoughts, opinions, and ideas that make up the false self, the self that is seeking. This is the true task of both meditation and inquiry. Through meditation we can come to see that the only thing that makes us suffer is our own mind. Sitting quietly reveals the mind to be nothing but conditioned thinking spontaneously arising within awareness. Through cherishing this thinking, through taking it to be real and relevant, we create internal images of self and others and the world. Then we live in these images as if they were real. To be caught within these images is to live in an illusory virtual reality.
Through observing the illusory nature of thought without resisting it, we can begin to question and inquire into the underlying belief structures that support it. These belief structures are what form our emotional attachments to the false self and the world our minds create.
This is why I sometimes ask people, “Are you ready to lose your world?” Because true awakening will not fit into the world as you imagine it or the self you imagine yourself to be. Reality is not something that you integrate into your personal view of things. Reality is life without your distorting stories, ideas, and beliefs. It is perfect unity free of all reference points, with nowhere to stand and nothing to grab hold of. It has never been spoken, never been written, never been imagined. It is not hidden, but in plain view. Cease to cherish opinions and it stands before your very eyes. 

© Adyashanti 2007

Monday, 13 January 2014

Today, I Am Grateful For ... ♥

I Am deeply grateful for the way my Life is making such deep inroads into my Being. Everything is perfect in its imperfections and I am developing immense appreciation for the quietness of my life.  Its been over ten years since I dropped out of the rat race and looking back now on my life I can see how enriched I have become as a result of this decision.  

I am living in the Love & Light of Beauty, Thankfulness and Appreciation.

Today I was inspired by the following from "The Jeshua Letters" by Jayem:

"In all things,
there will be discovered
that which is of the world,
and that which is of the Kingdom.

These are known in but one way:
that which is of the world
will demand that you perceive it from ego.
There will be felt then an attraction, 
a need, a desire.
Behind this can be discerned
a sense of restlessness.
When recognized,
abandon it.
This is the process
by which the world is released.

By so doing,
one automatically discovers
that which the Kingdom is: Peace.
Here, there is the direct knowing
that one lacks nothing."

In the Light of Grace & Gratitude.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

A Moment of Awakening!

The last few days have been days of bright light and darkness at the same time. I think for all practical purposes, it was a 'dark night of the soul' experience. Old issues that are nearly dying out are still struggling to stay in the limelight because that is what the ego does best.  It will not go peacefully.  It will kick and scream before it dies a natural death. The more one becomes aware of one's True Identity and the need to let go of the corporeal identity, the more the ego becomes fierce in its fight.  But I recognize it now.

And so, as I took a day and night off from 'normal' mind numbing thinking, I've discovered that such a practice truly does wonders for the body, mind and spirit. Look what I came up with as a result of that: (!!!) 

I Am the Center of EVERYTHING in this Universe. And everything else and every Being are SUN RAYS from that Mystical and Magnificent Center that I AM!! The Center in 'me' is Spirit, the Holy Life and Breath of The Source. How then can I be the center of anyone else's life?? It is an illusion to think so and a question that is best to put up to SELF INQUIRY!! 

Wow! I love these  epiphany moments!! That came up so unexpectedly and I am glad I now have a personal point of reference every time I 'wander' off from my center!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Speaking A New Language

I Am actually in the most joyful flow of remembering my True Identity which IS Light.  It is becoming easier and easier now.  It seems like a floodgate just burst open bringing in ease and understanding.

In the last six months when I took time off from usual internet activity and spent it on deeper self inquiry, I got the sense that I was ready to 'graduate' to the next 'class' or realm of understanding, but I did'nt know what it was and magically everything just happened suddenly when my Magical and Mystical Spirit Friend Cryst Aqueous ( sent out a  telepathic message asking me to reconnect with him.  I met him through facebook a year ago, but it was nothing more than a few comments here and there on his posts which were filled with so much love from his side.  I responded to his call not knowing that, that was what I was doing till I reconnected with him and became aware of his message.

Since then, my heart seems to have shifted so much into a deeper cave of Light and Wisdom as he shines his Beautiful Halo of Love and Light on me and my family through his powerful and loving emails and sharing messages, guidances and lessons on The Light as expressed through his own book (which I will start sharing shortly in the coming months)and the writings of other Aware Beings.  

My language is changing now from mortality to immortality, from illusions to Light.  Its all just flowing with so much sweetness that it is hard to describe the feeling of calmness that is setting in.  I find it more and more easy to TRUST others now, not because all my relationship issues have become magically heavenly, but simply because I have shifted the equation from 'people' to my Self. The more I trust the Divinity within me, the less I have to worry about anyone actually breaking my trust because there is no 'other'. There IS only The One. Becoming acquainted with this Oneness is fast increasing the feeling experience of the depth of my IMMORTALITY rather than my mortality which, in Truth, does not exist.

And so with deepest gratitude, I continue to be nudged into remembering more and more of the Awesome Spirit I Am and everyone else IS. Blessed Be.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

I Don't Know!

I don't know any of the answers as much as it appears that I think that I do. But it feels a great sense of relief to ACKNOWLEDGE that I don't. I feel like I can breathe more easy now. This in itself creates a great space for Divinity to recognise Itself within me. In the meanwhile, as this continues, I will DISCONTINUE thinking, believing and doing the stuff that is contributing to the temporary loss of peace in my mind. There is NO doing. There is only an ACCEPTANCE, a SURRENDER to the Power within me that enables me to SEE more clearly NOW.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Thinking Beyond The Dream

One of the things that tends to annoy me still is when people try to discredit, put down and judge other belief systems and make comparisons especially if they are clueless about the lives of the rest of humanity.  I have been trying to figure out why that triggers so much irritation in me and as I started exploring this issue, I began to  realize  that, that is exactly what I used to do. The old religious ways are so limiting, where the very place that we were supposed to find our solace and peace, became like one big sales & marketing department where members/clergy had to 'preach' and 'spread' the Word of God and bring people to the "fold".  And as I explored further, I found out that those very people had absolutely no knowledge about other spiritual traditions because their minds were so shut down.  So, in all fairness, what is there to compare with, other than one's own limited ideas?

As I went deeper, I discovered for me the experience has been personal because people attack and slander you as you try to find your way out of the 'system'.  If you're not with 'them' then you're no good!!  I was affected so much because I had this mistaken idea that one could choose God and the world and be happy at the same time pleasing everyone all around.  But that is simply impossible.  As Jesus reminds me one cant ride two asses at the same time.  Its either God or the world. Amen to that!

And as always answers come to me quicker than I expect.  Joel Goldsmith says "When thought dwells on person, place, or thing, you are functioning in the dream. When your thoughts unite in spiritual contemplation, every person, place, or thing becomes a spiritual delight." 

I am glad indeed I asked the question!! Self Inquiry brings Light on The Path of Self Discovery.


Friday, 3 January 2014

I Do Not Understand Anything

So, today I am getting a practical understanding of what lesson 3 from the workbook of A Course In Miracles mean.  

I woke up with a migrane this morning which means the rest of the day is usually over. I am confined to the bed and it feels a really painful experience everytime that happens. One can never really get used to pain I guess. 

As I tried to think about what could have caused the migrane, where have I erred, etc. etc. while opening my text for today's lesson, (Lesson 3 - I do not understand anything I see in this room) I almost burst out laughing.  Wow! "I do not understand anything" just takes away IN ONE BIG SWEEP all my efforts to diagnose the pain so that I supposedly feel in control and take my next course of action!!

Instead, what happened next was that it created a space for self love and appreciation. I will offer and receive Peace to myself. I can be at peace with my pain and focus on Spirit and my Higher Self rather than the human part of me that is subject to wear an tear. No matter what happened yesterday, today I rise triumphant and  transcendent over them. So Peace it shall be.

Today I will not label, judge, or name any situation or person because I truly do not understand anything.  I will instead constantly remember the Presence of All That Is and allow Its Light of Knowledge and Wisdom to guide me into a deeper understanding of my Inner Self. Aum.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A New Day!

"So will the year begin in joy and freedom. There is much to do, and we have been long delayed. Accept the holy instant as this year is born and take your place, so long left unfulfilled, in the Great Awakening. Make this year different by making it all the same. And let all your relationships be made holy for you. This is our will. Amen." ~ ACIM OE.TX.15, paragraph 112

Atlast I have broken free from my past.  It has taken many many life lessons, many teachers, many books, many soul friends, soul companions and soul acquaintances to bring me to this place of complete freedom from my past.  Every experience in my entire life has brought me to this point of Self understanding and Self Love and I regret not a bit of the heartaches and pain I needed to experience as a result.

Last week I had an enlightening moment after a shocking experience that threw me off balance for an entire day.  I felt like a monkey on a stationary bike paddling away furiously but not getting anywhere!!!  That is exactly what I was doing.  Working away furiously and not making much headway at making changes, till I felt so exhausted, I dropped frustrated and angry. It was in those moments I saw how much control I was trying to maintain over my situations instead of letting everything flow freely, fearlessly and with faith.  I was afraid to loose control.  To me it always felt like too much was being taken from me without anything coming back in return. It was my fear that was spilling over.  Once I saw this in my mind's eye, a big fog lifted from my head and heart. The last of the suffering was releasing itself. I turned the bend!!

And so with the greatest joy, I started my first lessons from "A Course In Miracles" and from "The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking" today at 4.30 a.m. I woke up with great newness and motivation to move onward and inward more deeply.

Nothing I see means anything.
I Am Free!
Breathe! I Am Alive and Birthed
Into a New Consciousness!
