Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Know Yourself As You Are

The answer to all worldly concerns and worries is to rely on The Kingdom Within.  The reason we suffer - the one and only reason we suffer - is because we rely on the world for our needs most of the time.  To come to this understanding in a personal way is empowering and vibration-shifting.

"See the person you imagine yourself to be as a part of the world you perceive within your mind and look at the mind from the outside, for you are not the mind. After all, your only problem is the eager self-identification with whatever you perceive. Give up this habit, remember that you are not what you perceive, use your power of alert aloofness. See yourself in all that lives and your behavior will express your vision. Once you realize that there is nothing in this world, which you can call your own, you look at it from the outside as you look at a play on the stage, or a picture on the screen, admiring and enjoying, but really unmoved. As long as you imagine yourself to be something tangible and solid, a thing among things, actually existing in time and space, short-lived and vulnerable, naturally you will be anxious to survive and increase. But when you know yourself as beyond space and time — in contact with them only at the point of here and now, otherwise all-pervading and all-containing, unapproachable, unassailable, invulnerable — you will be afraid no longer. Know yourself as you are — against fear there is no other remedy."

(Nisargadatta Maharaj)

Thursday, 24 April 2014

A Happy Story

Namaste! Greetings of Peace.

"I love this world as I love all good stories." ~ Byron Katie

Truly, this is the place to be in.  There was this myth I once believed in about living a happy 'retired' life after the usual retirement age of 58 or whatever!  But as life would have it, that stage came for me much earlier than I ever imagined.  I chose it consciously because I came into a position where I could.  Since then I have been discovering layers and layers of this identity that I am donning presently through my spiritual journey.  And this thought came to me today: no one who lives an unexamined life can ever enjoy a happy retirement!!

I intend for the last phase of my human life to be a very creative one in whatever form that takes in the highest service that Spirit wants of me.  Now, that is a 'retirement' worth 'working' towards.  The world can be whatever I want it to be in my mind.  I want it to be a very happy story!

Blessed Be

If It's Not About Love, It's Untrue!

I can 'SEE' clearly now that .....

Wow! I've Believed Myself Into Existence ~ Byron Katie

I simply love photos from Byron Katie's teaching.  She hits the nail right on the head!!  Every time I have a thought about something and come to a conclusion, up comes her post depicting exactly what my mind is experiencing!!  Reality confirmation is what I like to call it.

The only reason I ever suffer is because I am unconsciously unwilling to give up a story.  A story that makes me falsely believe that is my protection against pain and suffering.  Ironically, that belief creates even more suffering. What I know for sure now is that we are constantly bombarded with all kinds of images, beliefs, ideas, comments, news, stories, etc. etc. and the more edge a story has, the more dramatics surrounding the story, and the more it holds us spell bound the more we are likely to be drawn in.  We are like hypnotic beings when we are living from the space of fear.  We are afraid to live in total freedom. We have secrets that we don't want our family, friends, social circle, etc. to know about lest they should leave us or become the subject of gossip or be  ostracized.  What my world thinks of me appears to be very important to me.  But all of the stories are absolutely untrue.  Totally untrue.  I have got this.   My world reflects my own belief of myself. The story of my so-called life is in my mind. Its not Reality.  Its only a small 'r' reality in my small mind.

I am deeply grateful for one thing.  There is nothing I hide, nor do I feel compelled to hide from anyone.  I no longer worry about what will people think of me if I share the dark side of me that I am dealing with.  Because all of it is untrue.  Its true in my mind as long as I believe it to be true. It becomes untrue the moment I realise that love is missing from the equation.  Its so simple.  That's all I need to know.  Am I feeling the vibrations of love?  If not, something is drastically wrong which needs to be corrected.  And as I am on a continuous process of clearing and cleansing my mind of unwanted thoughts, I am beginning to see its the smallest and the tiniest mad ideas that make my mind run  berserk.   I am the master of my mind.

Am I in love?  That's the key leading question for Peace.

Photo Credit & Copyright: LAURA BRUNO from BRASIL

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Following My Intuition & True Friendship


Photo credit: Laura Bruno from BRASIL
I have at last realized that I am more intuitive than I have given myself credit for.  When I have felt strongly about something, a lot of the times instead of exploring and questioning the reasons for those strong feelings, I have pushed it aside believing I am being too over-reactive or sensitive. A perfect example would be feelings about people including family and friends.  When I have felt a silent rejection from someone in any form, I have always put it down to my childhood abandonment issues that are clouding my judgement and clear vision. But now, that is not so. More than ever, my intuition is getting stronger and deeper and it is becoming my guiding light.  I'm beginning to see through little 'white lies', hypocrisy, etc.  I am receiving crystal clear answers about issues in my life and perhaps for the first time, I am looking at every tiny thing in my consciousness in the Light of my intuition.

Most people are not very honest about their true feelings.  And because of their dishonesty, I have been thrown off my own trail imagining and believing that I am wrong once again. But lately, I have been asked from within, by my Soul to step up and KNOW the difference between my own human beliefs (and what I want to conveniently believe) and the true Soul inspirations coming from within. I am beginning to understand the difference and the more I understand, the more peace I am feeling about my life and myself with less and less expectations from others.

I love what Mooji says about true friendship which is worth remembering always.
A true friend is not merely someone you like, or who is like you; they could be quite unlike you in most respects.   However, though they love you, their first love is for Truth,  not for you or anything else.  Such a friend is rare indeed and rarely appreciated. 

 I woke up today with two big nudges.

~ the first nudge was to recognize true friendship.

~ the second nudge was to once again read the "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi H. Dowling. I get a very good feeling that this is going to open up a whole new way and a more enlightened path within which I was not ready for earlier. I look forward to this great adventure.

To read this gospel one can follow this link

I am deeply grateful for the new direction my life is taking and the fear that is evaporating more easily.  Sometimes it is necessary to deal with persistent human problems the human way with the heart and mind looking upwards as a way to communicate and then taking a step backwards to allow the rest to flow the way Life wants it to flow.  Since everything is spirit, sometimes what seems 'inappropriate' to the human dual understanding, is perfectly appropriate in the learning of Life and the flow of it.

Be At Peace. Blessed Be.

Photo credit:  Maks Rozenbaum from Olney, MD, USA

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Breaking Free! Hallelulja!

Have you ever felt stuck in your life in a relationship(s) that bound you so bad that it suffocated you and you just felt totally and sickeningly helpless to break the ties that bound you to it?  And finally, when you do break free simply by a decision to not to be bullied ever again, the gush of relief that surges through you making the way possible for exactly that to happen is  simply indescribable and phenomenal.

In my life, I have someone biological who terrorized me by the very kind of person that she is, and has been, throughout my  entire life.  Completely breaking free from the manipulations and bullying has been a continuous struggle and an overwhelming task but this Easter, all ties that bound me psychologically just snapped one after the other simply by a decision I made to not be bullied, used or manipulated ever again no matter who it was.  Easter Monday drew to a close with that song of freedom in my heart.  No, the person did not disappear, from my life, but the bullying, the hurt and pain that person represents no longer can touch me anymore.

This song "HALLELULJA" mystically appeared in my email as an Easter blessing this morning from "The Golden Light Channel" almost like an affirmation and testimony to that personal freedom. All I could do was just cry buckets as I felt immense relief.  What could be more symbolic than this?  “Hallelulja” represents to me a complete resurrection, a personal rising from the ashes.  May the world be free from the chains that bind and may Peace enter the hearts of one and all.

Blessings of Peace. Blessed Be.

Monday, 21 April 2014

No One Needs To Wake Up But You!

Easter Sunday turned out to be so perfect. Unplanned and unexpected.  A couple of close friends spent the day with us and I have never spent a more chilled out and easy day than this.  I even got to talk with my very dear facebook friend Trish who has now become more like a sister to me, on skype and introduce my friends to her for the first time.  We all, including my husband, had a fun conversation with her. Everything about the day was so mystical and just flowed through in perfect love.  What a grand finale to the 40 days of Lenten observation.

I wondered on the eve of Easter how I would share all that I have observed and learned and re-learned during this phase. There was too much.  Many life changing events took place during this time not so much to me as it was to other people who are either my friends or well known to me.  I was given an opportunity to 'look' at the pictures in front of me at any given time and see where I figured, if indeed I still did.  And what I realised was that it didnt matter whether they happened to me or not - it was more about how I chose to flow with them in perfect acceptance and surrender for them and for me.

Recently, I deleted my facebook account. For many reasons it felt the perfect time to leave. My purpose for being on facebook was spiritual.  I wanted to meet other like minded people.  What I got instead was a lot more. I reaped gold with the meeting of amazing spiritual teachers like Mooji, Anita Moorjani, Jeff Foster, Jeff Brown, Byron Katie, Pema Chodron, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Carolyn Myss and a few others.  It was simply awesome and I finally came to a place of a deeper understanding of what I really want to use as a path for my Remembrance of my True Identity.  I have been through so many processes over the years and the funny thing was, over the last 40 days, I was meeting many along the way who are where I was earlier.  My initial reaction was always to let them know this is not the real thing, but experience has taught me that each must walk his/her own path and learn it personally so that Remembrance happens according to his/her capacity and understanding. Today I found this wonderful sufi story which encapsulates my whole Journey of Spiritual Remembrance and this is very significant because this is how I have felt in a nutshell.  What a wonderfully short but profound story!!
Bayazid, a Sufi mystic, has written in his autobiography, “When I was young I thought and I said to God, and in all my prayers this was the base: ‘Give me energy so that I can change the whole world.’ Everybody looked wrong to me. I was a revolutionary and I wanted to change the face of the earth.

“When I became a little more mature I started praying: ‘This seems to be too much. Life is going out of my hands–almost half of my life is gone and I have not changed a single person, and the whole world is too much.’ So I said to God, ‘My family will be enough. Let me change my family.’

“And when I became old,” says Bayazid, “I realized that even the family is too much, and who am I to change them? Then I realized that if I can change myself that will be enough, more than enough. I prayed to God, ‘Now I have come to the right point. At least allow me to do this: I would like to change myself.’
“God replied, ‘Now there is no time left. This you should have asked in the beginning. Then there was a possibility.’”
Added to that is the wisdom of my very dear Spirit Friend, Crys Crystaqueous, who never fails to bring Light into my Life in such a realistic and natural way:
"Whenever I send out any material into the matter-maze of the Earth Play Divine- whether it be in the form of books, articles, blogs, and even speech- never am I thinking in terms of soliciting a response of any kind from any one at any time.  In fact it is my preference that I never receive any.  I simply share out from time to time for the sheer joy of doing so knowing full well that I am not here to educate, save, enlighten, or awaken any being or thing, for in My vision no such needy entities did ever or could ever actually exist.  The earth stage of so-called human activity is not real to Me.  It is the performance stage for My/Our Glorious Cosmic Play Lila.  In the Sole Reality of I AM never has there been a cause or reason to teach, heal, or campaign for peace etc., etc. There is no alternate reality existing!  Therefore, never do I seek or solicit dialog or debates of any kind from or with that which is called human consciousness as I see less than no reason to engage that which isn’t." ~(From the book “LIGHT” by Crystaqueous /January 2014)
And, finally from Jesus:

"You have been called to be a bearer of peace in this world of dreams.  There is a reason for this. You want to wake up from this world, and it is the only way. Do you understand this?  The only way for you to awaken is to awaken other.  And yet, no one needs to wake up but you. Think about this for a moment. No one needs to awaken but you. Why, then, do I say that you must give this to receive it? It is so simple. Because you are only giving to yourself. There is no one there but you to give or receive."  (Jeshua/The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking, Lesson One)

And that is what it is all about! Blessed Be!


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Come Home To Yourself!

More and more I am amazed at the confirmation of my feelings about my thoughts on Truth matters.  When we live from the Source of The One Divine Mind, it is not surprising then that many will share their heart songs which resonate so strongly with our own.  In my blog "Inner Softening" which I posted on Sunday, I shared what 'Awakening' actually felt to me personally as an experience.  Not what others say it is, but what my Soul is telling me and two words definitely featured strongly: "Awake" and "Alive".  

Today in my email, I received this wonderful poem by Scott Morrison which resonated completely and absolutely with me.  I just had to file this away with my own "heart speaks". 

by Scott Morrison 
Stop dead in your tracks.
It doesn’t matter at all, what you’ve ever done, or not done.
It doesn’t matter how grandiose, self-centered,
arrogant, or neurotic you’ve ever been.
It doesn’t matter how brilliant you’ve been, or how stupid you’ve been.
It doesn’t matter what you’ve ever experienced, or not experienced.
It doesn’t matter how much good you’ve ever done, or how much harm you’ve ever done, your whole life long.
Nothing that has ever happened to you makes any difference at all.
It doesn’t make any difference how many times you’ve been enlightened, or not enlightened, or how powerful, profound, or intense those experiences may have been.
The only thing that matters, that really matters at all,
is whether you are willing to be completely alive, awake and free,
this very moment – this very instant.
The only thing that makes any difference – any difference at all,
is whether you are willing to let go of all mental and emotional -
all historical and future versions of yourself and your life,
and simply be what you are, completely and absolutely, right now.
We are simply awareness – pure, infinite, and wide open.
Our nature is to be unconditionally kind, honest, wise, and sincere,
tender, affectionate, sensitive, and compassionate,
without reservation, right now.
It’s the most natural thing in the world,
and there is nothing real in the way.
Everywhere is your home.
Everyone is your lover, your child, your mother, your father, your sister, and your brother, your best friend. Every one is your own reflection.
Your heart is aching to be What you are,
to be Everything that you are,
on this breath.
Don’t put it off another instant.

~ Scott Morrison ~

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Inner Softening

I quite enjoy blogging.  The reason I do is because it acts as an outlet for me to share what's within me in the travels of my consciousness without being pushy and in anyone's face. This way I feel totally free to share with no intention of starting up a debate or a discussion because there really is no need for one. Each path is unique and each must hear the music of his/her own Soul.

To me "Awakening" happens every day. Each morning I 'awake' to new possibilities and each day is a brand new one. Enlightenment, to me is about truly listening to the song of my soul and having the courage to own it and let the music of my heart be heard.  Living from my heart is enlightened living.

I woke up this morning with a brand new AWAKENING.  Yesterday I blogged about my intense distraction and confusion which changed during meditation.  For the rest of the day I wondered about it. Why should I have to have those kind of days in the first place? As I went backwards, I realised that in the final analysis of my own thinking, my unhappiness always came down to what someone else said to me, how someone behaved with me, or how I was treated, etc. etc. etc.  It always seems to come down to that.  I spent the last 24 hours meditating on these thoughts.

I got it!  I saw my Soul for its unique beauty.  The music is gentle and loving.  It is nurturing and uplifting.  My only reason for living is because there is nothing else to be but ALIVE! The flute plays on and dancer dances on.  What does it matter what the world teaches?  What does it matter what the world does?  Who lives in this barren world other than me?  When I close my eyes, this world is gone. No one exists. I cannot take anyone with me into my dream world!! Where does it all go?  When my eyes are closed in sleep I awake refreshed.  What happened?  Where did I go in my sleep?  Why do I wake up with Nature,  the songs of the birds and the light of the sun? None of Nature and Creation has any 'man' directing its course? Man wakes up to Nature - the Nature of Spirit!

A huge weight fell off my shoulders when I decided that I am no
longer a follower of any person, no matter who he or she is.  My Inner Voice is my Teacher.  Nature is my Teacher.  They are silent, yet filled with pure unadulterated life.  The sun shines every morning.  The moon shines every night.  All of Creation is in total bliss.  That, indeed is my teacher. Mountains are still and trees are solid. Clouds pass on by.  The sky is the roof and the ground is a resting place.

And so, as I mused along and randomly opened my favourite book "Prayers of the Cosmos" for a message for the day from Spirit, it was only but natural such a beautiful message would show up:

Jesus said: “Blessed are the gentle: 
they shall inherit the earth.
Healthy are those who have softened what is rigid within; 
they shall receive physical vigor and strength from the universe.” 
~ Prayers of The Cosmos ~

When you are feeling weak from the busyness of life, take a moment to breath in gentleness and breath out strength.  Feel what has become tight beginning to loosen.  Try visualizing a  favorite  place in nature that allows you to open up and receive from the bounty of Creation. Blessed Be.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Sacred Intimacy

Meditation clears cobwebs.  It takes away the confusion and muddiness that one is experiencing at any given time.  

Today I woke up with mixed feelings and emotions.  I am creating new pathways in my heart to embrace my True Identity with more and more confidence.  I am leaving behind a lot of unwanted stuff now.  I am releasing a lot of old stuff that is not needed in my heart, mind and spirit any longer. It is a lifetime process.  You are never done with this exercise. I am trying to stay with bare minimum.  Part of doing this process is that a lot of loneliness, longing and confusion begins to set in.  It is precisely why meditation is such a life saver.  This morning I distracted myself so much and kept disturbing my own meditation!!  Till I suddenly saw a visual of cobwebs which didn't go away till I paid attention to it. And it did'nt take me long to understand that, that was precisely why I needed to SIT down and within myself.  From somewhere within I heard myself instructing myself not to get up till I allowed myself to be sorted out by Spirit.  And I obeyed.  And the cobwebs of my mind got gently dusted away and I definitely felt a million times better.  

I got this deep sense of myself.  This small self that kept up with the self judgments never letting up.  This small self that I was directing my attention to unconsciously was convincing me that I cannot 'change' anything in life.  It always keeps coming back to the same place.  Till I finally started a self inquiry.  I stuck with it for a while and then I kind of beamed into a deeply hurt part of me that kept denying myself 'Sacred Intimacy'.  Its that intimacy that one lacks within but one mistakenly believes its on the outside.  Its that lack of self love that directs our other thoughts into pain and more pain.  I found myself letting go all world beliefs including the belief that all my problems stemmed from my childhood, etc. etc.

I asked myself how do I know this? (About source of all problems go back to childhood).  From world information, I answered.  
"Is that true?" asked the Silent Inner Questioner.
"I don't know" I answered.
"If you don't know" asked my SIQ (Silent Inner Questioner) then how can you be sure of all those emotions and feelings that you are experiencing to be true?
"I don't" I said.
"Then go back to the source of the self judgments" suggested my SIQ.
And as I went further and further into my questioning, clarity began to fill my mind and heart.

The floodgates opened.

"Sacred Intimacy" is what was deeply lacking. In that moment I knew how that affected the most important areas of my life starting with how authentically and genuinely do I love myself, this person, this form that appears to be 'here' for a purpose.  How deeply do I love the Self that is the back of my entire existence and my whole life experience?  I don't know all the answers, but I surrendered my lack and pain to Spirit, The Source of All Goodness.  I sat silent for a long while.

After that I randomly opened my precious "Prayers of the Cosmos" and here's what came up for me as a huge acknowledgement from Spirit:

"Blessed are those in emotional turmoil,
 they shall be united inside by love"

Love never fails those who long deeply for It.  Love never fails to change and turn the emotional turmoil of those who feel weak and in want from such longing into Itself.  When in emotional turmoil or unable to feel clearly any emotion, experiment with deep breathing.  Embrace all of what you feel and allow all emotions to wash through and through as though you were standing under a gentle waterfall.  Follow this flow back to its source and find there the spring from which all emotion arises.  At this source, consider what emotion has meaning for the moment, what action or non-action is important now.

Blessed Be.